Jesus Has Won the Victory. ROCC Men’s Retreat 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Jesus Has Won the Victory

ROCC Men’s Retreat 2013

A view from the top

Yes, that’s Antione up there!! How did they do it?

Where are the wheels?

How does this thing work?


Is anybody happy?

Getting ready for devotions

New friends

A little damp but safely back to camp

The First Clue  How God will fill the earth with His glory  Genesis 3:15 - "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy Seed and her Seed, He shall bruise thy Head, and thou shalt bruise His Heel."

Why was this promise necessary?  Remember God’s point in Gen 3-11?  The entrance and spread of sin – pointed to the need for deliverance.  Things on God’s once perfect earth deteriorated from bad to worse.  They gave in to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.

Satan’s Tactics  Deception and lies which would create doubt and distrust  We have begun to fall into temptation when we begin to think evil of God – when we doubt His goodness.  Simply by talking with him, she has begun to drink some of the serpent's poison.  Seeing led to desiring – taking – eating

Consequences of First Sin  Shame – much more than bare skin  They were stripped of the divine image  Ichabod  The glory of the Lord had departed  They were legally and spiritually dead, and beginning to die physically

What action does God take?  He comes to them as he had before v.8 This day, instead of rejoicing at the voice of their beloved, instead of meeting him with open arms and hearts full of wonder, they are afraid of Him.  He waits for their confession v.9  He confronts them about their sin v.11

God’s Message  Genesis 3:14,15 – Indictment delivered against the first offender.  In it He reveals the 1 st clue concerning the Deliverer.  In it He plants the seed for a Solution for sin.

enmity - conflict  Eve assumed that the serpent was her friend!  She took his advice, and was willing to believe bad things about the great Creator.  On earth there will be constant warfare between their “descendants”.  It will end with the defeat of one and the victory of the other.

Who is he seed of the woman?  Revealed later in Scripture as the Lord Jesus Christ  He was born into the human race via a virgin birth  He remained fully God the Son

How was He Bruised?  tempted for forty days in the wilderness  faced with strong persecution during the time of His public ministry  betrayed His friend Judas  abused and nailed to a cross to die

C. H. Spurgeon “It is only his heel, not his head, which is bruised! For lo, the Champion rises again; the bruise was neither mortal nor continual. Though he dies, yet still so brief is the interval in which he slumbers in the tomb that his holy body hath not seen corruption, and he comes forth perfect and lovely in his manhood, rising from his grave as from a refreshing sleep after a day of unresting toil!”

How did Jesus bruise Satan's head?  He was able to both defeat the tempter and care for those that are tempted.  By dying & rising, he destroyed him that had the power of death, that is, the devil.  He spoiled principalities and powers, triumphing over them upon the cross. Col 2.15

“The day shall come when He will cleanse the whole earth from the serpent's slimy trail, so that the entire world shall be full of the praises of God. Satan thought that this world would be the arena of his victory over God and good, instead, it is the grandest theatre of divine wisdom, love, grace, and power.”

Before the Throne of God Above Before the throne of God above I have a strong and perfect plea A great high priest whose name is love Who ever lives and pleads for me

My name is graven on His hands My name is written on His heart I know that while in heaven He stands No tongue can bid me thence depart

When satan tempts me to despair And tells me of the guilt within Upward I look and see Him there Who made an end to all my sin

Because the sinless Savior died My sinful soul is counted free For God the just is satisfied To look on Him and pardon me

Behold Him there the risen Lamb My perfect spotless righteousness The great unchangeable I AM The King of glory and of grace

One with Himself I cannot die My soul is purchased by His blood My life is hid with Christ on high With Christ my Savior and my God ***