GRANTS.GOV Joseph Sullivan Can it be???
What is “ is the official e-Grants website where applicants may find and apply to federal funding opportunities.” “ is the official e-Grants website where applicants may find and apply to federal funding opportunities.” One stop-shop for all information and communication relating to finding and applying for competitive grant opportunities. One stop-shop for all information and communication relating to finding and applying for competitive grant opportunities.
What is A centralized, online process to search and apply for over 900 grant programs from the 26 Federal grant-making agencies. A centralized, online process to search and apply for over 900 grant programs from the 26 Federal grant-making agencies.
Participating Agencies - HHS Lead Unit E-Grants partners in italics Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of Defense Department of Education Department of Energy Department of Health and Human Services Department of Housing and Urban Development Department of the Interior Department of Justice Department of Labor Department of State Department of Transportation Department of the Treasury Department of Veterans Affairs Agency for International Development Corporation for National Service Environmental Protection Agency Federal Emergency Management Agency Institute for Museum and Library Services National Aeronautical and Space Admin National Archives and Records Admin National Endowment for the Arts National Endowment for the Humanities National Science Foundation Small Business Administration Social Security Administration
Why was it developed? “ was developed as part of the President’s Management Agenda and related E-Government Strategy, which charged Federal grant-making agencies with developing a single electronic system to find and apply for Federal grant opportunities.” “ was developed as part of the President’s Management Agenda and related E-Government Strategy, which charged Federal grant-making agencies with developing a single electronic system to find and apply for Federal grant opportunities.”
Official Launch Date “The system is scheduled to launch in October 2003.” “The system is scheduled to launch in October 2003.” Universities and other Grant recipients are currently piloting the system before the official launch. Universities and other Grant recipients are currently piloting the system before the official launch.
Signature Approval Path
The Submission Process PI or Representative PI or Representative – package to SRO –Only the SRO will have the ability to submit the completed package. –Again, this will have negative and positive aspects depending on your institution.
The Submission Process SRO will be required to enter SRO will be required to enter –Username –Password Submission will fail if the above are invalid or if the submitter is not an Authorized Organization Representative (AOR). Submission will fail if the above are invalid or if the submitter is not an Authorized Organization Representative (AOR).
Submission Screen Submission Screen
Confirmation Screen Confirmation Screen
Notification s
Still to Come Electronic Routing of our internal proposal routing sheets Electronic Routing of our internal proposal routing sheets e-Authentication e-Authentication –New System??? –Upgrade and Overhaul of our current system –Governmental Policy???
e-Grants Workshop October 7, :00am – 12:00pm UC – McKenna/Peter Rooms ***Discussion on transmission path***
Links – Central Contractor Registration Central Contractor Registration – Federal Funding Opportunities Federal Funding Opportunities – XML Core Schema XML Core Schema –