Submitting the Application Why 5 Days In Advance? All completed proposals must be submitted to SPS by 9:00 a.m. FIVE (5) BUSINESS DAYS prior to the agency’s deadline. Your PureEdge file should be transmitted online through
Grants.Gov Routing PI/Research Admin. Inst. Rep. Sponsored Projects Services (SPS) The department works with Sponsored Projects Services (SPS) to finalize the proposal for submission. If there are errors, SPS sends the proposal back to the dept. for correction and resubmission. SPS submits final proposal to If there are errors, will send an back to SPS, and the entire proposal will have to go back to the PI for editing. Then the process starts over. See the next slide for details!
Grants.Gov I got It! Failed! Validated!! (up to 48 hrs) Wanna UB Proposal? Agency Server, such as NIH Commons & NSF Fastlane Got it! Retrieved By Agency Tracking # Assigned To Review Group Received, Errors or Warnings Yes! SEND ! And that’s why UB requires a 5-day lead time on proposal submission!