Monitoring of Great Basin Redband Trout 6 Year Pilot Study ODFW Native Fish Investigations Project
Motives To address data gaps outlined in the Native Fish Status Review (ODFW 2005). To assess the response of fish populations to changes in climatic conditions. To provide better management for future fishing opportunities. To write effective conservation plans for all Great Basin SMUs.
Objective To design and test a sample strategy capable of assessing status and trends of redband trout at the SMU and population scales.
Project Scope SMUs = Six interior basins of the Great Basin
Project Scope Populations = groups of fish potentially able to reproduce in the same place and same time.
Methods Select sample sites throughout the potential distribution of redband trout using EMAP protocol. 30 sites in each of 8 populations. Each population sampled every 3 years. 30 sites in each of 8 populations. Each population sampled every 3 years. 30 sites in each SMU every year. 30 sites in each SMU every year.
Land Ownership of Great Basin Redband Trout Habitat
Methods Conduct 2-pass removal density estimates at each site using electrofishing techniques. Calibrate removal estimates by also conducting mark- recapture estimates at a portion of sites. Collect stream habitat data at each site
Analysis Generate estimates of redband trout parameters at SMU and populations scales using EMAP statistical algorithms. Abundance Abundance Distribution Distribution Size-age composition Size-age composition Degree of uncertainty Degree of uncertainty Time series trends Time series trends Fish-habitat relationships Fish-habitat relationships Effects of climate variation Effects of climate variation
Annual Budget USFWS – SFR$164,700 ODFW $20,000 Miscellaneous $10,000 Total$194,700