Resumes or Performance Portfolios Interview Techniques Responding to tough interview questions Motivation Overcoming adversity
Expand your search grid Focus on your core competencies, not job titles Rethink your search parameters (geography, seniority, income, schedule, satisfaction) Leverage technology Search engines, company websites, LinkedIn, Social Media Upgrade/enhance your web identity Leverage natural networks How to let the world know you’re available Get out of your cave Go where no man (or woman) has gone before Innovative (or insane) search techniques Balance upside against the potential downside
Frontline Learning
Don’t be limited by your previous job titles Expand beyond previous job responsibilities Create a set of core competencies All of your professional activities All of your personal experiences Accomplishments and responsibilities Break them down into a set of broad competencies Complex Problem Solving Team Building Project Management Selling Skills Negotiation Execution Customer Service Skills Data Analysis Leadership Accountability IntegrityProfessional Commitment
VP of Sales Experience includes: Sales forecasting Sales coaching Sales presentations Sales management Sales proposal development Business Growth Leader Experience includes: Team leadership through challenging times Solving complex problems with limited resources Data analysis to drive fact- based decisions Clear communicator who directly addresses difficult issues Stop thinking of yourself in terms of a specific role or job title. Think of yourself in terms of the positive impact you can have on a business.
Employer’s Needs Your Competencies Other Candidates Employer’s Needs Your Competencies
What are your real geographic limitations? Which are self-imposed? Should you re-think them?
30 Individuals layed off from a Minnesota company in 2008 (5 years ago) 5 individuals were re-employed within 3 months 3 relocated geographically income flat to 30% increase Another 5 individuals were re-employed within 8 months 1 relocated geographically income flat to 5% decrease Another 8 individuals were re-employed within 12 months (12/30 still unemployed) None relocated geographically Income decrease 5% to 25% Another 6 re-employed within 18 months (6/30 still unemployed) None relocated geographically Income decrease 15% to 45%
Income Reality check: What are employers CURRENTLY paying new hires in your old position? Seniority You may have to move down a step (or two) Schedule More job openings are available for positions with inconvenient schedules Work satisfaction A dull, mundane job may be more satisfying than the “excitement” of long-term unemployment
Search Engines Niche Job Search Engine Sites Niche Job Search Engine Sites
LinkedIn Professional photo Detail your work history with specific achievements Mirror your resume, but with more details and examples Highlight core competencies under “Skills & Expertise” Request endorsements from past colleagues (provide them with sample endorsements) Facebook Scrub out anything that does not serve your job search Begin uploading photos and comments that are relevant to your job search Assume prospective employers see everything on your site “Google” and “Bing” yourself to see what others see when they search for you Consider acquiring your name URL ( and directing it to either a web page or social media
Contact Professional Organizations in Your Field Visit Company and Organization Web Sites Apply Directly to Organizations That Interest You Network, Network, Network Join Professional Associations Participate in Job Fairs Use a Placement Agency or Recruiter/Headhunter Consider Temping
Let the whole world know: You are unemployed and looking for work Your core competencies Your unique achievements Your “Unique Value Proposition” The unique skills, competencies and commitment you can bring to an organization Aligned with the needs of your target organization Different, better than others
Stay Connected with Friends and Family Find Volunteer Opportunities Now, you finally DO have the time to exercise, cook/eat healthy, sleep, etc. The jobs are OUT THERE where the people are
You want to be remembered in a good way, so be professional and creative when you employ unique job search strategies such as: One candidate brought in a video recommendation from a former boss The person applying for a casino dealer job dealt a game on the interviewer’s desk and interacted with imaginary gamblers The applicant identified an existing technology problem and solved it A prospective teacher brought in a box of props to demonstrate her teaching style An applicant created a full graphics portfolio on the employer’s brand The successful candidate submitted a business plan with his job application
Hang out where they hang out Learn about them and use the knowledge Painting example Ping Pong example “Stunts” work best when you’re in a profession that requires creativity Stunts can make you stand out in the wrong way too.
Writing a Resume that Gets Results Handling the Initial Screening Call to Get the Interview How to handle the Toughest Interview Questions Developing a “Performance Portfolio” Keeping Motivated Throughout Your Job Search Process