Using the Blackboard and WebCT Equation Editor Bob Mathews Director of Training Design Science, Inc.
System Requirements WebEQ equation editor included in: Blackboard 5.5 and later WebCT 3.7 CE and later
System Requirements WebEQ equation editor included in: Blackboard 5.5 and later Available in Content Authoring Virtual Classroom/Collaboration Tool Assessments & Surveys WebCT 3.7 CE and later Available in Content Module Discussions Mail Assessment questions (not answer choices) Also called the Math and Science Notation Tool
System Requirements WebEQ equation editor included in: Blackboard 5.5 and later WebCT 3.7 CE and later Mac users need to be running OS and above with Safari or Netscape, and Java 1.4.
Using the Editor Log in to your course & go to CP (Blackboard) or content (WebCT). Ill use Blackboard for this session. Well add a question to an exam…
Using the Editor (cont.) Point and click, or keyboard shortcuts The palettes Layout templatesAccent paletteFence paletteTrigonometry paletteCalculus paletteMatrix paletteArrow paletteOperator paletteRelation paletteSet theory paletteLogic paletteGreek letters palette
Using the Editor (cont.) Point and click, or keyboard shortcuts The palettes Keyboard shortcuts Program shortcuts ctrl-ccopy ctrl-vpaste ctrl-xcut ctrl-zundo
Using the Editor (cont.) Point and click, or keyboard shortcuts The palettes Keyboard shortcuts Template shortcuts ctrl-rinsert ctrl-f or ctrl-/insert ctrl-b or ctrl-_insert ctrl-p or ctrl-^insert ctrl-Qinsert ctrl-Rinsert ctrl-Pinsert parenthesized expression
Generic layout element in MathML Some specific uses for WebEQ: Control stretching of parentheses: vice:
Generic layout element in MathML Some specific uses in WebEQ: Control stretching of parentheses. Eliminate ambiguity. WebEQs templates automatically include one Dont use! Add text to formulas.
Generic layout element in MathML Some specific uses for WebEQ: Control stretching of parentheses. Eliminate ambiguity. Using templates in the Editor automatically adds an. You can also add it manually.
ing it up… In both Bb & WebCT, you can use the Equation Editor pretty much any place you need a formula or equation. Can be used with IE and Gecko, but works better with IE on Windows and Safari on the Mac. Palette-based + keyboard shortcuts. Importance of the element.