Good Friends: David & Jonathan Welcome to the Computer Presentation Please Enter Your Name(s) S T M ARY C OMPUTER C ENTER, E AST B RUNSWICK, NJ, Sunday School Computer Program© 2013 OK
The Hebrew people really wanted a king, so that they would be like other nations. Saul was chosen as the king. He started out very faithful and loved God. He was a good king in the beginning. But then, he left God and separated himself from God and God’s blessings.
David loved God very much, and because he loved God, he was near Him and received God’s blessings Remember that: God invites all of us to be near Him and to love Him and get His blessings. It’s up to me to get close to God and His blessings
David was a shepherd, and God was with him. David was successful. David defeated Goliath, and everybody was very happy. Saul even invited David to stay with him and his son Jonathan in his home.
Some Israelite girls from the city were celebrating the defeat of Goliath, and they honored David more than Saul. Saul heard their singing, and he became jealous of David. Instead of loving him, King Saul hated David. Saul was so jealous that he even tried to kill David. But David and Jonathan became very close friends. Jonathan felt that David was the only one who would be a sincere friend.
Although Jonathan was the Crown Prince, he knew that the Lord chose David to be King. He did not envy David, but desired to be his friend all the days of his life.
To show his love for David, Jonathan gave David his cloak and sword together with his bow and girdle. Jonathan loved David and was willing to give his good friend anything.
DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SAUL AND JONATHAN? Saul just cared about himself, but Jonathan cared very much for David. Saul felt competition with David for the kingdom, but Jonathan went to the point of giving his possessions to David. We should be the type of friends that Jonathan was to David. He loved him unselfishly He defended him He was willing to sacrifice for him He did not abandon him when others did
Loyalty: would we betray our friends? So many people are not good friends today because they care about being cool What type of friends are we? Even if you lose friends because of God, you will be granted SO many more Two lessons to remember from today I have to be a good friend to others! I have to choose my friends wisely!
I have to remember that being a Christian means that Christ and I are very close friends. I should tell Him how I’m feeling, all my secrets and what’s in my heart I enjoy speaking to Him, and I want to hear His voice in my life
Call friends that you didn’t see in Sunday School or in church for a while. Say hi, tell them you miss them, show that you care, and invite them to come to church or Sunday school.
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S T M ARY C OMPUTER C ENTER, E AST B RUNSWICK, NJ, Sunday School Computer Program© 2013