Present Tense of e-ie Stem Changing Verbs
Notice how the e changed to ie in all forms except for “nosotros”. Some verbs in Spanish are a little trickier when you conjugate them because they take on a spelling change in their stem. Look at the following forms of the verb “pensar”: yo pienso nosotros pensamos tú piensas Ud./él/ella piensa Uds./ellos/ellas piensan Notice how the e changed to ie in all forms except for “nosotros”.
Let’s do some practice. What is the “tú” form of the verb “comenzar”? That’s right… it’s comienzas! Let’s do a few more. What is the “ellos” form of the verb “sentar”? That’s right… it’s sientan!
What is the “nosotros” form of the verb “sentir”? That’s right… it’s sentimos! What is the “yo” form of the verb “perder”? That’s right… it’s pierdo!
What is the “ellos” form of the verb “empezar”? That’s right… it’s empiezan! What is the “nosotros” form of the verb “sentar”? That’s right… it’s sentamos!
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