My Memoir Justin Wang
There are always few things that important to our life or our identity There are always few things that important to our life or our identity. For my life, the most important thing may be art. English teacher may not glad to hear that cause that is fine art, not language art anyway. However, art is important to me, but it’s not what I love to do .
In order to tell my story, it may takes a long time to do In order to tell my story, it may takes a long time to do. If you have developed on something over 10 years, you may not tell what is interesting, what is boring; what is other one wants to listen, what is other one doesn’t care about. However, I don’t think that I will tell you about how hard I learn art, or how well I done on art, just want to tell you that a different world that make by art.
Rough Artwork All of them were done by my hand. Every single piece of drawing represent my world and my memoir. In other words, my memoir is not only word, but also image and drawing.
If I am not a famous artist or something like that, my memoir may not be interesting, OK, think with this way: I will be famous and my memoir will be interesting. Now I am going to tell you the story of my art life. I started learning it when I was very young, about 4 years old. However it seems impossible to tell you guys the whole story, I will choose some important events to tell.
And I think the most important part is applying the art collages with a nice-look portfolio.
Whole life with art I remembered that I was working hard on doing art portfolio. Spend every week, every day, every moment to do it. Because I know if I worked hard on it, I will have a great future with beautiful sunshine. First time I think art is my whole life. However……
I am wanting to think problem with a positive way I am wanting to think problem with a positive way. I am loving to think problem with a positive way. I am willing to think problem with a positive way. However, there are many things that you cannot think with a positive way. I really want to cry out loudly, to throw my broken heart away. But it is impossible to do that. My life never stop, will not end here. Because, I cannot look backward.
End of art life? Yea, you are right. I failed on applying. The reason for the failure makes me feel I am a fool. I missed applying deadline. I spent 1 year to do that, and missed last minute. Be on time, don’t wait for the last minute, this is my lesson which learnt from this event. I am thinking about end of my art life, go to a normal collage and finish my education.
Never give up Right, that is what I want to say, never give up. I am still doing art works, and got offer from UBC art course, but the irony is… they didn’t ask for my portfolio. Should I laugh or should I cry? However, that is not important anymore. At least, I still can do my interesting things, continue my dream and my world. If I gave up, I think I won’t get any offer from any school. If I gave up, I think I won’t do art any further. If I gave up, I think I will hate myself.
Two thing need to remember Be on time, don’t wait for last minute Never give up your future, whatever happened, whoever said. And best wishes to every graduating students, hope you will have a best future!