Don’t Let your Data go up in Flames Creating an Action Plan and seeing it through Post Assessment: Tobacco Task Force.


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Presentation transcript:

Don’t Let your Data go up in Flames Creating an Action Plan and seeing it through Post Assessment: Tobacco Task Force

Overview Timeline: Received our Charge 2012 Convened a committee of interested stakeholders: staff, faculty, students, smokers, trustee Created a time line Fall 2012: Conduct Problem Analysis, focus groups, Tobacco Summit (Education) Ty Patterson National Center for Tobacco Policy Spring 2013: Analyze data, develop several action plans, make recommendations to President for policy change Fall 2013: Develop an Implementation Plan/Determine Strategies for Communicating the Policy, Publicize and Educate the Nazareth Community Fall 2013/Spring 2014: Educate on new policy, educate, educate, educate

What % of the Naz community do you think smoke? % % % % 5.All of us

What % of Nazareth students do you think smoke? 1.0-5% % % % 5.+20%

Do you identify as a smoker (total)? 858 total respondents answered 94 Yes – 11% 764 No – 89%

Do You identify as a smoker (Students)? 522 Students answered Total Respondents 469 or 89.8% no 53 or 10.2% yes

What % of Naz respondents do you think are bothered by 2 nd hand smoke on campus? 1.10% 2.20% 3.30% 4.40% 5.50% 6.Over 50%

I am bothered by Second Hand Smoke on Campus Total respondents: % Strongly Agree (Over 50% 54.3% agree or strongly agree) 24.9% Agree 20.1% Neutral 14.5% Disagree 11.2% Strongly Disagree

Do you believe smoking is permitted in the following areas: 825 total respondents 2.5% Academic buildings 5.1% Stadium 88% smoking hut 49.8 sidewalks 75.9% 20 feet from buildings (the policy) 15.8% Cloister Walks 24.4% Outside Eating Areas 3.9% Campus Owned Vehicles

Do you believe current Smoking Policies on campus are properly enforced 827 Total Respondents 56.1% Yes 43.9% No

If Nazareth became Tobacco-Free, I am more likely to transfer to another institution? Students: 570 answered 3.7% Strongly Agree 3.7% Agree 11.6% Neutral 12.8% Disagree (81% Strongly disagree or disagree) 68.2% Strongly Disagree

If Nazareth became Tobacco-Free, I am more likely to seek other employment Staff/Faculty: % Strongly Agree 3.4% Agree 14.4% Neutral 13.4% Disagree (80.2% Disagree or strongly disagree) 66.8% Strongly Disagree

If you could choose a smoking policy for Nazareth which would you choose? 1.Smoking should be permitted on outdoor college property as long as it is 20 feet from buildings 2.Only in designated areas 3.Should not be permitted on college property

If you could choose a smoking policy for Nazareth College, which one would you choose? 31.5% wanted NO Smoking 44.9% wanted designated areas 23.6% wanted 20 feet from buildings (the current policy)

Based on Data… Goals – Objectives – Action Plan