MultiLoop III - Tutorial 2 Renormalizing Profile Data (continued from Tutorial 1)
Step 1: Normalization Dialogue 1. Complete Tutorial Select Presentation from the System menu 3. The Set Default Presentation dialogue appears 4. The dialogue displays the current presentation settings 5. The output file is described. 6. Go. Select Presentation from the system menu Existing normalization is continuous Normalized by the absolute value of the rx. component of the primary field When point normalizing, the location & direction cosine are set here Normalized ratio will be multiplied by 100 to convert to percent No waveform attributes will be used in the normalization No transforms are selected The Set Default Presentation dialogue displays the current presentation state Normalization can be customized by changing the numerator & denominator
Step 2: Change Normalization Select “Not Normalized” Select “Not Normalized” Click OK Click OK GO… GO… Select “Not Normalized” Select “OK” Click yes to change the y-axis plotting scale to fit the new normalization Whenever the normalization changes, this message appears.
Step 3: Write Data From the Exports menu, select Write Data From the Exports menu, select Write Data Select the filename to write in the File Dialogue Select the filename to write in the File Dialogue Do not transform the data, this will be explained later Do not transform the data, this will be explained later Go…. Go…. Select “Write Data” in the “Exports” menu Select the file Click save If the file name exists, you will be allowed to cancel, click “Replace” Answer “Yes” to write the renormalized data
Step 4: Data file formats Description of response and version Survey & Dataset name, time of creation License & solver info System and presentation information Column labels; channel names combine gate and rx names Gate description Station Number X,Y,Z Coordinates Data Normalization and primary field data are written after the channels Rx Dipole Components are written after the primary field data