PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg PMO-III March 2005 Hamburg, Germany Report by United States Robert Luke VOS Operations Manager NOAA/National Weather Service National Data Buoy Center Data and Communications Branch Stennis Space Center, Mississippi
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg 2 Outline Port Meteorological Officer Network: Locations & Activities in 2005 U.S. Voluntary Observing Fleet: Goals & Status of the U.S VOS; Database Upgrade Communication Issue Awards
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg 3 Port Meteorological Officer Network
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg 4 Eastern Region PMOs Jim Luciani (102 ships) Tim Kenefick (16 ships) Jim Saunders (49 ships) Pete Gibino (39 ships)
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg 5 Southern Region PMOs Jack Warrelmann (34 ships) Peggy Alander (47 ships) Paula Campbell (50 ships) Chris Fakes (74 ships)
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg 6 Amy Seeley (46 ships) Central Region PMO (Part-Time)
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg 7 Western Region PMOs Bob Webster (50 ships) Bob Novak (28 ships) -retires Jun06 Pat Brandow (144 ships)
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg 8 Alaska Region PMOs (Part-Time) Debra Russell (43 ships) Rich Courtney (128 ships) Larry Hubble (97 ships)
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg 9 Derek Leeloy (3 ships) Pacific Region PMO (Part-Time)
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg Observations 198,734
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg 11 Observations per Month
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg 12 % SHIPS to % OBSERVATIONS
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg 13 PMO Ship-Based Activities in 2005 Routine inspection visits5035 Prospective Candidate courtesy visits42 Courtesy visits foreign-VOS347 Un-interested Recruit courtesy visits90 Total # Visits5514
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg 14 Goals of the U.S VOS To maintain an VOS Fleet of 1000 ships, producing an average of 2 observations per day, per ship. To provide real-time surface meteorological data of a high quality to support the NWS’s marine services, climate analysis & research, and end-user applications.
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg 15 Program Status ( as of 31 Dec 2005) VOS CLASS2005 Ships2005 Recruits 2005 De- Recruits SEL59556 SUP22033 AUX8225 OTHER5303 Total * (includes Duplicate recruits)
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg 16
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg 17 COMMUNICATION ISSUE Older 3110 Address at TELENOR expiring 01 May 2006 Updated Transmission Procedures (Inmarsat Specific) Warnings of non Synoptic time Transmission of observations Selectable English or Metric data entry.
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg 18 AWARDS 2005 – 78 Ship Award plaques (CY2004) 2006 – 96 Ship Award plaques (CY2005)
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