INCREASING IMPACT Understanding Measurements of Impact in Evaluation June 2013 Jennifer Farley
Overview Why evaluate? Evaluation: Types, Continuous Improvement and Neglect Outputs vs. Impact Measures of Impact Is impact good enough? When it’s not good enough Maximizing Evaluation Questions
Why Evaluate? Ensures Quality Increases Knowledge Prioritize Resources Accountability Demonstrate need and effectiveness Marketable (Russ-Eft & Preskill)
Types of Evaluation Developmental Formative Summative Monitoring and Auditing Outcome Evaluation Impact Evaluation Performance Measurement (Russ-Eft & Preskill)
Continuous Improvement Evaluation
Top 10 Reasons Evaluation is Neglected 1. Misunderstanding the purpose and role of evaluation 2. Fear 3. Lack of Skills (Real or Perceived) 4. No one has asked for it 5. It is not used 6. Time-consuming 7. Perceived costs vs. Perceived benefit 8. Leaders already know what works 9. Prior experience 10. Lack of Value (Russ-Eft & Preskill)
Outputs and Impact
Measures of Impact Measures of Change Attitude, Knowledge and Behavior Comparison Pre- and Post-program Calibration Is the primary impact what is measured? Is the program driving the measure, or is the measure driving the program?
Is the Impact Good Enough? Goals Program established goals Funder established goals Comparison Population level data Are the target and general population the same? The continuum of evaluation and research
When Impact isn’t “Good Enough” Re-calibrate Measures What is impact? Participant focus groups What best measures impact? Refine measurement tools Staff Training Re-Pilot surveys Incorporate Measures of Program Quality Look at HOW programs and services are offered Explore field-specific measures of quality Youth Program Quality Assessment Quality Rating System
Results: Maximizing Evaluation What is the purpose of the evaluation? Funder Required? Is there a requirement to “Act” on the results? How are the results communicated to all stakeholders? How are results used in planning?
Contact Information Jennifer Farley Censeo Solutions
Works Cited Russ-Eft, D., & Preskill, H. (2009). Evaluation In Organizations: A systematic approach to enhancing learning, performance, and change. New York: Basic Books.