World Bank Safeguard Training Ankara March 31, 2010
Simple and practical framework and guidelines work Subproject design is enhanced by the use of guidelines Sustainability measures incorporated in the design Increase awareness of local governments and communities Need to build capacity at all levels Buy in of proponents on the added value of safeguards beyond compliance is critical Costing for mitigating measures is always an issue, hence mainstreaming in the design ensures incorporation
Building capacity of local governments and communities Enhancing the capacity of Fis Incorporating estimated costs of EMP mitigation measures in subproject cost Improving environmental screening Intensifying supervision and monitoring
1. Unrealistic/inadequate monitoring indicators 2. Infrequent site visits and inadequate review and evaluation of monitoring aspects and reports 3. Failure to revise the EMP in response to project changes during implementation 4. Inadequate follow-up on of agreed actions 5. Ineffectiveness of proposed institutional capacity measures
Assignment of dedicated Environment Specialists to FI is good practice Practical, specific and measurable environmental indicators Bidding and Contracting Documents should include EMP provisions on mitigation/monitoring Active monitoring is needed, including site visits Updating of mitigation measures and institutional assignments as required
Assess the quality of EMP implementation and supervision Identify any systematic issues to be addressed Recommend practical measures to address them Apply the measures to existing projects (to the extent possible) and to future operations Disseminate results (dialogue with Borrowers; “ECA Learning Brief;” staff & Borrower training Objectives Methodology: Desk Review + Site visits EMP Implementation Experience Example: South Caucasus Highways Infrastructure Projects Thematic Review
Georgia East-West Highway Improvement Project 1 (EWHIP 1) EWHIP 2 EWHIP 3 Secondary and Local Roads Improvement Project (SLRP) – (numerous small project roads) Additional Financing Projects Armenia Life-line Roads Improvement Project (LRIP) Numerous small project roads (1- 6 km) Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Highway I Azerbaijan Highway II (Category A Project) Azerbaijan Highway II-Additional Financing I & II (Multiple road segments under each project) Projects Reviewed
Desk Review Findings Most Projects screened/categorized correctly Most EIAs well prepared Timely disclosure and public consultations carried out EMPs: comprehensive but mitigation measures overly generic Little tie-in of EMP with the design Little tie-in of EMP with the contract documents
Contractors routinely failed to implement many aspects of EMPs, particularly relating to: ◦ Sourcing of materials (management & restoration of borrow sites) ◦ Disposal of construction wastes ◦ Management of construction sites (e.g. drainage, erosion, impacts on surface waters) ◦ Air quality precautions (e.g. covering truck loads, dust suppression) ◦ Construction camp conditions Inadequate supervision by contractors, supervision consultants, Roads Agencies and WB Project Teams 9
Beautifully paved road But what is on the other side of that wall?
EIA identified area as prone to landslides Design did not take this adequately into account Poor design led to land slides and destruction of houses (Notice partially washed out village road)
Asbestos material dumped in a local landfill Concrete waste dumped on bank of river which supplies water to nearby towns Waste material being dumped haphazardly on nearby land Dumped waste material from tunnel excavation, burying fragile ground cover
Water spray used to control dust from aggregate crusher plant
Lack of ownership: ◦ Roads Departments play minimal role in processing the EA reports for WB- financed projects (leaving it to Bank staff to work with EA consultants) ◦ Local supervision consultants don’t see environment as major issue (“business as usual”) ◦ International supervision consultants not doing their job – fail to report to Roads Agencies ◦ Roads Agencies ignore reports of environmental problems Lack of clear responsibility: ◦ EMPs too generic ◦ EMP provisions not included in contracts, so not legally binding Lack of capacity: Roads dept. have limited Environmental & Social staff and little incentive to strengthen Excessive WB involvement increases WB supervision costs and stress on WB staff - Environmental & Social staff in field responsible for too many projects to do regular site visits 16
More detailed EMPs, more specific, informative and monitorable mitigation measures (e.g. drawings of septic tanks for camps) Ensure EMP incorporated in designs and bidding documents (with realistic assessment of costs) ◦ Specific costed actions in Bill of Quantity ◦ Umbrella provision (non-competitive) Hire independent “Environmental Auditor” for monitoring (don’t leave it to general supervision consultant) Increase and clarify Borrowers’ responsibility – insist on “staffing up” as needed. (WB should not be “first stop” for consultants) Training for Roads Agency staff, contractors staff, consultants – starting with Project Launch workshop Highlight environmental issues in Aides Memoires/cover letters Build fines and penalties for non-compliance into contracts and enforce them 17
sub-project cycle IDENTIFICATION PRE-FEASIBILITY (Assisted) preparation of applications Submission of priority proposals Eligibility Screening Evaluation/selection of proposals Sub-Project approval Agreement on work plan, contract signing Start of works EMP implementation OPERATION SUPERVISION FEASIBILITY/DESIGN Pre-FS Form Environmental Permit Construction Permit Monitoring of works Progress reports EIA Preparation Incorporating EMF into Project Cycle
Project Implementation Cycle Subproject Identification and Planning Process Implementation Procurement Procedures Financial Management Procedures Institutional Arrangements Project Operational Manual (POM) Environmental Review and Implementation Procedures Screening Form Environmental and Social Impact Mitigating Measures Monitoring Checklists
Sub-loan eligibility criteria: description of eligible/ineligible investments, potential environmental issues Sub-loan application: identify potential environmental issues and proposed mitigation measures; Sub-loan screening, evaluation & selection: EA screening, evaluation of env. issues and proposed mitigations; indicate whether specific EA/EMP required Preparation/signing of subproject loan agreement: Includes requirement to implement EMF Procurement: includes environmental provisions in bidding documents, specifications, contracts Sub-loan disbursement/Progress reporting: environmental measures maybe triggers for disbursement; PIU verifies environmental measures implemented and are effective Monitoring & reporting on sub-loan Implementation: includes EMP compliance, environmental indicators
EA Screening/categorization criteria National and World Bank EA requirements Relevant environmental standards Environmental issues and mitigation measures for each type of subproject to address impacts and enhance sustainability of subprojects Measures for consideration and/or mainstreaming in subproject design, site selection, EMP formulation and implementation Public disclosure and consultation procedures Monitoring, evaluation and reporting arrangements
The Project covers a total of 36 thousand square km. in Surkhob, Zarafshan, Vanjob and Toirsu Watersheds. The area includes 390 thousand hectares of agricultural land with a total population of 550 thousand people (42% of total mountain population) Component I: Rural Production Investments Component II: Institutional Support and Capacity Building Component III: Project Management
Farm productivity investments - input for annual crops, horticulture, livestock, processing, distribution, leasing, credit facilities Land resource management – land groups apply soil conservation, moisture management, investments such as horticulture, woodlots, fodder Rural infrastructure – drinking water, small irrigation, rural track rehabilitation, small power generation
Financially and commercially feasible; Socially inclusive and considerate; Institutional feasible; Environmentally sound and sustainable: subprojects should meet Project requirements for sustainable land management; Improve agricultural productivity
Minor impacts from small works will follow proper design standards Before approval, authorities will verify subprojects comply with relevant national local environmental laws and regulations and be consistent with Bank policy and procedures Projects will be reviewed by different authorities depending on the overall project cost As a condition of disbursement, the PMU was required to hire an Environmental Specialist. $50,000 was allocated for training and equipment to enhance environmental assessment and management of government, civil society and project related staff
Initial awareness raising and communication Indicative descriptions of potential rural production investment activities Group process and eligibility guidelines Village and CIG implementation arrangements Responsibilities of Project Management Unit, Project Coordination Unit, contracted facilitators and specialists, and line agency personnel
Tools for participatory analysis Indicative list of detailed questions on feasibility and eligibility to be addressed in subproject proposals Format for subproject proposal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to be signed by PIU & Beneficiary Checklist for review of subproject proposal and village submissions by project committees Suggested Terms of Reference for NGO contracts
Will the subproject generate any wastes during construction or operation (air, liquid or solid)? If so, how will these be handled? What are the proposed measures: To prevent, minimize or treat wastes? For ultimate disposal of any waste residues? Does the subproject create risk of impact on any endangered plant or animal species ( e.g., introduction of invasive exotic weeds, conversion of natural habitats) ? If so, what has been done to prevent or minimize these impacts? Have alternative site and design options been evaluated and the least risky option selected? Is compensation proposed (creation/management of equivalent natural habitat?) Does the subproject create risk of impact on any surface or ground water sources? (e.g. pollution, siltation, excessive abstraction) ? If so: Have the impacts on other water users been assessed? Have potentially affected other users been consulted? Has adequacy and sustainability of water supply been ascertained? Have measures provided for source protection?
What is the EA instrument required for this subproject (e.g., EMP, limited environmental assessment plus EMP)? Has the EA instrument received environmental clearance (at the raion/national level)? Is the capacity for implementing and monitoring the EMP adequate? Have EMP costs been accounted for?
DRINKING WATER SUPPLY Community investments in practice
SOLAR ENERGY FOR HEATING WATER Community investments in practice