HORIZONT 1 XINFO ® The IT Information System PL/1 HORIZONT Software for Datacenters Garmischer Str. 8 D München Tel ++49(0)89 /
HORIZONT 2 XINFO ® XINFO und PL1 General Program Information Includes CALL Procedures/Functions File Access File Declarations Global Variables DB2 Access EXEC CICS EXEC DLI Graphics XINFO‘s PL/1 Interface delivers information about:
HORIZONT 3 XINFO ® PL1 - Displays … and the appropriate Graphs The displays for PL/1…
HORIZONT 4 XINFO ® PL1 - "General Info" Select "General Info" If you need some general information about a PL/1 program...
HORIZONT 5 XINFO ® PL1 - "General Info" Selection Which programs are using DB2?
HORIZONT 6 XINFO ® PL1 - "General Info" Result Member Library CICS DB2 Access DLI (IMS)
HORIZONT 7 XINFO ® PL1 - "General Info" Fields The option "View - Display Legend" gives you a description of all fields
HORIZONT 8 XINFO ® PL1 - INCLUDE Select "INCLUDE" If you want to know more about “INCLUDE- Members”...
HORIZONT 9 XINFO ® PL1 - INCLUDE Selection Which programs are using INCLUDE member DCLISTP?
HORIZONT 10 XINFO ® PL1 - INCLUDE Result Main Main Library INCLUDE Member INCLUDE Library
HORIZONT 12 XINFO ® PL1 - INCLUDE Member Example Member SOURCE.LIB(A): 00025%include B;... Member INCLUDE.LIB(B): 00050%include C;... Member C was not found in any library... Main-Pgm: The name of the member that contains the main program, that is usually the name of the load module. In our example "A“. Main-Lib: The name of the Library, where "A" was found. In our example SOURCE.LIB. INCLUDE-Member: The name of the member with the INCLUDE statement. That is not always identical to the main program, e.g. the INCLUDE statement is nested in another INCLUDE member. In our example “A” for “B” and “B” for “C”. Found: Shows if the INCLUDE member was found in one of the libraries specified during the XINFO installation. In our example “Y(es)” for “B” and “N(o)” for “C” Line: The line number of the INCLUDE statements. In our example “25” for “B” and “50” for “C” Source lib: The library where the INCLUDE member was found. In our example “SOURCE.LIB” for “B” and “INCLUDE.LIB” for “C”
HORIZONT 13 XINFO ® PL1 - External program call...select ”CALL”… PL1 programs are often calling other Programs. If you need information about the calls…
HORIZONT 14 XINFO ® PL1 – „Call“ Selection Which programs are using ISPEXEC?
HORIZONT 15 XINFO ® PL1 – „Call“ Result You want to know the program names, but not every call?
HORIZONT 16 XINFO ® PL1 – „Call“ Result, Grouped..then select “Group“... Select “Main Program“...
HORIZONT 17 XINFO ® PL1 – „Call“ Result, Grouped The programs (count shows how often they are called)
HORIZONT 18 XINFO ® PL1 - Procedures/Functions Select “Procedures/Functions” In addition to external calls the internal program structure is also analysed
HORIZONT 19 XINFO ® PL1 - Procedures/Functions Specify selection criteria
HORIZONT 20 XINFO ® PL1 - Procedures/Functions Result The result
HORIZONT 21 XINFO ® PL1 - File access …select “File Access”… If you need information about File access...
HORIZONT 22 XINFO ® PL1 - File Access Selection Which DD names are used in addition to the standard names?
HORIZONT 23 XINFO ® PL1 - File Access Selection The result
HORIZONT 24 XINFO ® PL1 - File Access Result If you want to compare the DD statements that are used in programs to the DD statements from the JCL: Right mouseclick links you directly to the JCL DD statements…
HORIZONT 25 XINFO ® PL1 - File Declaration …select “File Declaration” If you need information about the “File Declarations”…
HORIZONT 26 XINFO ® PL1 - File Declaration Selection e.g. all declarations used in program OQSI...
HORIZONT 27 XINFO ® PL1 - File Declaration Result
HORIZONT 28 XINFO ® PL1 - DB2 Access …select "DB2 Access” If you need information about DB2 Access...
HORIZONT 29 XINFO ® PL1 - DB2 Access Selection Which columns from table ZZOPCOTB are used in our PL/1 programs?
HORIZONT 30 XINFO ® PL1 - DB2 Access Result
HORIZONT 31 XINFO ® PL1 - Variables Select “Global Variables” … If you need information about PL1 variables...
HORIZONT 32 XINFO ® PL1 - Variables Selection If you want to know which programs are still using YYMMDD...
HORIZONT 33 XINFO ® PL1 – Variables Result The result
HORIZONT 34 XINFO ® PL1 – CICS Access Selection Which programs are using „EXEC CICS SEND“? Please note that we do not use PL/1 Programs with CICS, but COBOL. The PL/1 scanner gives you identical results.
HORIZONT 35 XINFO ® PL1 – CICS Access Result The ”EXEC CICS SEND“ programs
HORIZONT 36 XINFO ® PL1 – CICS Access Which CICS statements are used?
HORIZONT 37 XINFO ® PL1 – CICS Access Grouped All CICS statements......use the group function to get an overview...
HORIZONT 38 XINFO ® PL1 – CICS Access Grouped „SEND MAP“ is used mostly
HORIZONT 39 XINFO ® PL1 – DLI Selection criteria for IMS/DLI
HORIZONT 40 XINFO ® PL1 – DLI Excuse, but we do not have any data for PL/1 and IMS!
HORIZONT 41 XINFO ® PL1 – Graphics The Explorer The CALL-Diagram Two different graphics are available for PL/1:
HORIZONT 42 XINFO ® PL1 - Explorer …specify selection criteria The Explorer...
HORIZONT 43 XINFO ® PL1 - Explorer INCLUDE S FILES DB2 Click with the left mouse onto a program symbol to get an overview about the elements... PROCS CALLS CICS
HORIZONT 44 XINFO ® PL1 - Explorer Click with the left mouse on “INCLUDE” to get a list with all INCLUDE members One more click gives you detailled information
HORIZONT 45 XINFO ® PL1 - Explorer Use the right mouse to browse the source of the program
HORIZONT 46 XINFO ® PL1 – Call Diagram If you need an overview about Sub programs: Select “Source“, then “Call Diagram” Specify the program name... …and the nesting level…
HORIZONT 47 XINFO ® PL1 – Call Diagram Main program Sub programs Zoom …
HORIZONT 48 XINFO ® Any questions about PL/1? Yes?
HORIZONT 49 XINFO ® Many thanks for your attention HORIZONT Software for Datacenters Garmischer Str. 8 D München Tel ++49(0)89 / XINFO The IT Information System