Using Reference Sources Fleet RISD
Why Use Reference Sources? Reference Sources provide an overview of a subject at the beginning of the research process identify the main artists & designers associated with a movement or style place your topic in its larger cultural context supply definitions, specialized terminology, synonyms & keywords provide biographical information on artists include references to artist’s writings, bibliographies, & exhibition information
Reference Books Investigate your topic by using Reference resources RISD Online Reference Ask a Librarian RISD Library Reference blog Oxford Art Online Getty Vocabularies Oxford English Dictionary Library Research Guides Credo
Search RISD Reference Online start at RISD Library’s website: go to Resources > Reference
Search RISD Reference Online read the descriptions of each database ask a librarian or your instructor for database recommendations search multiple databases keep notes on your search terms, strategies and results
Search Online Reference - 24/7 from Off Campus start at > Reference select the link to a database to search a login window will open type in your first or last name type in the 14-digit Barcode number on the BACK of your RISD ID the number starts with … if your login doesn’t work, contact the Library for help,
Ask a Librarian A librarian can work with you to develop search strategies for your topic recommend print & online reference sources help you locate items within and beyond RISD library find bibliographies, primary sources, imagery demonstrate how to critically evaluate resources save you time Reference Desk, RISD Library, 1st floor, > Departments > Reference
RISD Library Reference Blog created by RISD librarians log of questions & answers asked by students, faculty, & visitors includes sources for assignments & projects tags to related questions it’s searchable
RISD Library Research Guides created by RISD librarians resource guides listed by topic, department, or course include lists of sources and search examples
Search Oxford Art Online use for definitions, subject overviews, artist biographies related articles outline concurrent movements & art forms articles include image links & illustrations bibliographies include artist’s writings and exhibition catalogues completely full-text
Search Credo Reference full-text of over 640 Reference books - covering all subjects scan sidebar for related topics & source formats cites articles in 4 citation styles - APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA includes links out to other articles and the RISD/ATH Catalog
Request items through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) ILL - Interlibrary loan ILL requests take 1- 2 weeks to arrive - plan ahead online forms > > Services > Interlibrary Loan RISD Library requests books & articles from reciprocal lending libraries via ILL
Oxford English Dictionary Online (the OED) definitions-meanings of the word pronunciation-standard pronunciation of the word spellings-includes variant forms or spelling etymology-the derivation of a word quotations-document the history of a term from its earliest recorded usage date chart-timeline of the word’s published usage
Getty Research Institute Vocabularies These authoritative, controlled vocabularies are used to catalog, define and describe concepts, terminology, people and places related to the fine arts, decorative arts, design, art history and architecture. AAT-Art & Architecture Thesaurus ULAN-Union List of Artist Names TGN-Thesaurus of Geographic Names
Getty Vocabulary - AAT AAT- the Art & Architecture Thesaurus use to gather keyword and synonyms for search terms includes definitions, terms and related concepts
Getty Vocabulary - ULAN ULAN-Union List of Artist Names use to verify the spelling of an artist’s name lists an artist’s nationality and birth/death dates includes variant names, pseudonyms
Getty Vocabulary - TGN TGN-Thesaurus of Geographic Names associates a contemporary place name to its historic names notes describe the history, physical location of a place, or the importance of the place relative to art & architecture includes geographic coordinates
Search worldcat is the world's largest network of library online catalogs search many libraries at once for an item and then locate it in a library nearby find research articles and digital items that can be directly viewed or downloaded searching worldcat is a good way to determine what has been published on a topic use RISD Library’s Interlibrary Loan Service to request items not available locally
Refine your worldcat results use the sidebar to refine your search by author, format, publication year, or subject Next, select an individual title to see where it’s located
Locate local worldcat items scroll down the page and type in your zip code this generates a geographic list of the closest libraries that owns the item ask a librarian if you need help interpreting worldcat holdings - we’ll be happy to help you!
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