John Espley and Robert Pillow ALA New Orleans 26 June 2011 The RDA Sandbox and RDA Implementation Scenario One
Overview 1.The RDA Sandbox 2.RDA Implementation Scenarios 3.RDA Workflow 4.Simpler RDA Cataloging 5.VTLS RDA/FRBR Extensions 6.Cataloging Assistance 7.RDA/FRBR SaaS
The RDA Sandbox A place to test/practice/play with RDA Implementation Scenario One Full Cataloging capability Original cataloging Copy cataloging FRBRizing of MARC records Authority control Item records Serials control
The RDA Sandbox Access to a RDA/FRBR database and a Virtua client Approximately 500,000 FRBRized records Specialized documentation Started mid-September 2010 Scheduled to end January 31, 2012? No earlier than 2013? 57 users (June 20, 2011) Added 1,261 records Modified 1,380 records
The RDA Sandbox Comments from users … we found the structure of records in the RDA Sandbox innovative as regards search and display … … used it when teaching classes …. The students were rather fascinated to be able to see the full WEMI structure in the database. …it helped them [the staff] to understand more about RDA and FRBR. In my opinion the best thing about the Sandbox is its clarity. It makes it easy to explain the model. In a sense it has solved the problem with FRBR in MARC environment.
RDA Implementation Scenarios Implementation scenarios Number 3 – Flat file data structure Number 2 – Linked bibliographic and authority records Number 1 – Relational/Object oriented data structure The system of the future!
RDA Workflow Implementation Scenario 1 the future Create Work Add Expression Add Manifestation Add Item/Holdings Later, when additional Manifestations are acquired Add Expression, if needed Add Manifestation
Metadata and RDA MARC Dead? Dublin Core MODS XML RDA Vocabularies Many others Metadata Management System Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative
RDA Work Record Preferred title Form of work Date of work Authorized access point associated with work Primary Secondary Notes Subjects Concept, Object, Event, Place
RDA Expression Record Content type Language of Expression Date of Expression Other distinguishing characteristics Notes Authorized access point associated with Expression
RDA Manifestation Record Title proper Statement of responsibility Edition statement Publication statement Place, publisher, date Series statement Notes Media type Carrier type Extent
RDA Work template
RDA Work record
Display Work record
1.10 RDA Expression Template
Display RDA Work and Expression
Add RDA Manifestation
RDA Manifestation Template
RDA Manifestation record
Work, Expression, Manifestation
Simpler RDA Cataloging When additional Manifestations are acquired Add Expression, if needed Different language Different performance Different content type Text, Spoken word, Performed music, etc. Different text Add Manifestation
Adding a new RDA Manifestation
A new RDA Manifestation
Two RDA Manifestations
The other RDA Manifestation
A new RDA Expression
New RDA Expression
Add French RDA Manifestation
French RDA Manifestation
Two RDA Expressions
Display of Selected RDA Work
Expanding the Display
Further expanding the display
VTLS RDA/FRBR Extensions Related Works Super Works Derivative Works Reverse trees for better navigation Aggregates
Related Works A motion picture based on a novel is a new work A new play derived from a work Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard Need to relate the new work to the original work Super Work or Derivative Work technique Super Work means all related Works are equal Derivative Work means related Works are subordinate to original Work
Derivative Work Technique
Super Work technique
Normal and Reverse Trees
Normal Tree
Reverse Tree
Normal Tree
RDA Cataloging Assistance Cataloging assistance Templates for original cataloging RDA Toolkit Macros MARC content designation validation Authority record templates
FRBR SaaS was specifically targeted to non-Virtua libraries. RDA/FRBR SaaS
Consists of four basic elements: * Your librarys own web-OPAC, providing access to... * Your librarys ILS database; plus... FRBR SaaS
…four basic elements: * A VTLS hosted database containing your librarys FRBRized records, and... * A VTLS hosted web- OPAC, branded to match your standard OPAC, and used to provide access to the hosted FRBR database.
Easy to implement… Hotlinks created through web services technology provide seamless navigation from your librarys catalog to the corresponding VTLS hosted FRBR SaaS catalog, and back again.
Your original database remains unaltered. In fact, your cataloging workflows need not be changed as updates to the FRBR SaaS database can be scheduled to run automatically. Easy to implement…
Easy to use… Best of all, the end user doesnt have to know anything about FRBR. The interface provides an instantly recognizable, global picture of the variety of forms a given work may take. All relationships between entities are clearly illustrated with an intuitive tree structure. No bibliographic instruction required!
Easy to use… Your patrons will seamlessly navigate from the existing ILS and the FRBR SaaS database, and back again as needed.
Questions? Thank you!