Helsinki Node Report July July 2010 Millennium Project 2010 Planning Committee Meeting July , Boston, USA
MEETINGS AND PERSONNEL Node meetings in Oct , Jan and May Node members Dr. Mika Aaltonen STRAX, Aalto University Prof. Sirkka Heinonen FFRC, University of Turku Chair person in 2009 Director Juha Kaskinen FFRC, University of Turku Dr. Osmo Kuusi Finnish Parliament and VATT (Government Institute for Economic Research) Foresight Manager Riitta Nieminen-Sundell Sitra ( ) Coordinator Sari Söderlund, FFA, University of Turku Chair person in 2010
ACTIVITIES Real Time Delphi Latin America 2035 The Future of Learning Internal development of MP Global Millennium Prize (MP) Auli Keskinen and Sirkka Heinonen as judges Futures Research Methodology 3.0. dissemination Research projects Training and education in FFA and FFRC Millennium Forum for wider audiences Node members personal networks
3RD MILLENNIUM FORUM ”EXPERTS AS CARRIERS OF FORESIGHT KNOWLEDGE?” organized on 6th Nov in Helsinki University by Helsinki Node (Sirkka Heinonen & Osmo Kuusi) to promote MP FR Methodology V 3.0 and methodological discussion Chaired by Prof. Ilkka Niiniluoto and Prof. Sirkka Heinonen Key speaker Prof. Murray Turoff on Delphi, other speakers Sirkka Heinonen, Osmo Kuusi and Petri Tapio + video message from Jerome Glenn Lively debate with the audience of more than 80 participants Special Issue of FUTURA Journal of the Finnish Society for Futures Studies, including the English articles by Jerome Glenn and Murray Turoff
ACTIVITIES Fund raising for Helsinki Node Training project proposal to Nordic Dimension Initiative network New Book by Mika Aaltonen (2010) Robustness – Anticipatory and Adaptive Human Systems. Emerging Publications. University of Turku is the new host university of FFRC and FFA. Futures studies is one of six strategic focus areas of University of Turku Ministry of Education and Culture has nominated FFRC as national special unit of futures studies and foresight in Finland