New insight into firm level innovation usef matched UK data
New insight into firm level innovation usef matched UK data used using use as if with
New insight into firm level innovation using matched UK data
New insight into datasets innovation using matched UK data
GB patents EP patents UKTMs CTMs GB designs BvD FAME ID DataSource PATSTAT UK register PATSTAT OHIM UK registerOFLIP ONS
Company NameBvD FAME IDGB PatentsEP PatentsUK TMsCommunity TMs
Company Name Business data IP portfolio
New insight into innovationinovation using matched UK data
Who is working with who?
And what is the coverage?
New insight into patent returns iour using matched UK data
Look, not everything has value
Patent yes; value… to be proven
A lot of value in some places…
New insight into patenting behavibut using matched UK data
of innovators don’t care about patents 30%
New insight into patenting behavibut using matched UK data of product innovators rely on secrecy of innovators don’t care about patents 30% 62%
New insight into IPRs ent returns iour using matched UK data
Ideas can be protected, but many are not… Source; Imperial College for IPO
UK invests in ideas not bricks & mortar % of Mkt GVA Intangible Tangible
Trade Marks ® 6%
Design rights “an austere, abstract, platonic-looking form that somehow also manages to feel warm and organic and ergonomic” -Jonathan Ive, Apple's head of design Design Registration No
Design rights… can be problematic
Patents Trade mark copyright design
Thank you