Program.-(9)* Write a program Input two numbers from keyboard and multiply of given values using by variables. Input value No 1 input value No2 Multiply of No1 and No2 values Display answer , Multiply of two numbers. Start Input No1 Input No2 Ans =No1 x No2 Display Ans End
.model small .stack 100h .data msg1 db 0ah,0dh,"Enter Number in No1 : $" msg2 db 0ah,0dh,"Enter Number in No2 : $" res db 0ah,0dh,"Multiply answer is : " No1 db ? symole1 db " x" No2 db ? symbole2 db "=" Ans db ?," $" .code main proc mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov ah,9 lea dx,msg1 int 21h mov ah,1 int 21h sub al,30h mov No1,al mov ah,9 lea dx,msg2 mov No2,al mov al,No1 mul No2 mov Ans,al add Ans,30h
add No1,30h add No2,48 mov ah,9 lea dx,res int 21h mov ah,4ch Main endp End main