Date: 31 July 2007 Time: to hrs. Venue: Aalankrita Resort, Hyderabad Topic: Over views of Institutions Faculty: Dr. Mishra International Learning Workshop on Demand-side Management of Groundwater 30 July - 10 August 2007
The Objectives of the session Over view of institutions in groundwater management Participants to give information about institutional set ups in their respective counties Resource person to sum-up and give his insights
Why Institutions are important The Farmers Views This project is different No physical/financial subsidy –knowledge and awareness No direction from above/outside We do it ourselves!!
Your own expectations Total 52 expectations Around 20 relate to institutions –Groundwater institutions –Groundwater users associations –Institutional building –Community participation in demand driven projects
Dr. Govardhan Das’s Presentation If groundwater management exists Who are the managers? What is the role of the groundwater users/ government … Who benefits / loses?
Dr. Mani: Demand Side Management Appropriate institutional structure Information knowledge of stakeholders Decentralized planning Stakeholders participation
David’s concern ‘Coordination’ – one word strong ramification Hierarchy Class Formalization
In summary: The farmers consider this important The scientists endorse them All of us agree – institutions are important
APFAMGS Institutional Evolution APFAMGS trajectory of institutional evolution: you will see We want your views on institutions: we value them We are not going to give you questions: ‘Relax’
The story teller within you: “There is a story teller in all of us” said a psychoanalyst Many others agree – “story-telling is powerful tool” We have also used this in the APFAMGS – ‘It works better’
The agenda I will tell you a story You will share something from your country We shall analyze them together We will have better sense of the institutions.
Analyze our story on Content Process Inclusion Impact