úRY²u SôUj§túL Õ§ DiPôLhÓúU úRY²u SôUj§túL Du]RúW
úRY²u SôUj§túL U¡ûU DiPôLhÓúU úRY²u SôUj§túL Du]RúW
úRY²u SôUm TXjR úLôhûP ¿§Uôu Yôr®p
SôUm # 3 Du]RúW SôUm # 3 Du]RúW SôUm # 3 Du]RúW SôUm # 3 Du]RúW
Blessed be the name of the Lord - 3 Most high Glory to the Name of the Lord - 3 Most high Blessed be the name of the Lord - 3 Most high Glory to the Name of the Lord - 3 Most high
The Name of the Lord is a strong tower righteous run into it they are safe
Holy is the Name of the Lord - 3 Most high Jesus is the Name of the Lord -3 Most high Holy is the Name of the Lord - 3 Most high Jesus is the Name of the Lord -3 Most high