DCN Next Generation Open Interface Control a meeting using Open Interface Microphones Voting All room settings 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Touch panel and interface box + custom made software Touchscreen Control Activate Microphone Touch panel and interface box + custom made software 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Custom made SW for controlling DCN Assigning applications Microphone control and mode selection Voting control and showing results Activating Attendance Registration 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Page for selecting DCN voting modes 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Control equipment from AMX & Crestron www.amx.com www.crestron.com 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Bosch Security Systems BV is not supplying touch screen equipment. How to handle Bosch Security Systems BV is not supplying touch screen equipment. Contact AMX or Crestron dealer locally. React proactive. Select the dealer which has experience and is dealer for Bosch and AMX or Crestron. 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Synoptic Panel Control 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Remote Controller with Single CCU Authorization Code for Open Interface (LBB4187) needed. Register your CCU online together with the authorization code to get a license key. Connect PC to Port 1 of the CCU Baudrate 115200 Protocol Full Enter License key into the CCU using the Download and License Tool. Download & License Tool 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Remote Controller with Single CCU Configure Port 1 of the CCU for Simple Protocol. Connect Open Interface Device to Port 1 of the CCU Baudrate 115200 Protocol Simple Open Interface protocol ready for use. Open Interface Open Interface Device 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Open Interface Applications (SC) System Configuration (SI) System Installation (DB) Database (MM) Microphone Management (VT) Voting (AT) Attendance Registration (MD) Message Distribution (IN) Simultaneous Interpretation (IC) Intercom (LD) Text Status Display (CC) Camera Control 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
CCU Units System Structure Open Interface RS232 SC SI DB MM VT IN MD AT IC LD CC ACN Units 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Communication The communication between the CCU and the remote controller is message based (remote functions and update notification). 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
DCN Open Interface (DOS) Tool (CCU_DDTK.EXE) Support & Information DCN Open Interface (DOS) Tool (CCU_DDTK.EXE) Open Interface Documentation Protocol Description Open Interface Commands 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Open Interface Documentation All information which is needed to make an Open Interface program is described in the Open Interface Documentation. 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
DOS-based (also Windows DOS-Box) CCU_DDTK tool DOS-based (also Windows DOS-Box) Uses Simple or Full protocol for communication Full has handshaking Simple no handshaking Definition file (fnid.def) with: Names Function number Input and/or output structures 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
System setup Open Interface Training DCN-CCU Central Control Unit RS-232 DDTK PC Chairman Unit ID 1 Del. without LCD ID 2 Del. with LCD ID 3 Del. with LCD & CR ID 4 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Install the DDTK Toolkit CCU_DDTK -PS -S1:19200 Hands On Install the DDTK Toolkit CCU_DDTK -PS -S1:19200 Note : FNID.def file and CCU_DDTK.exe should be in the same folder. 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Practice 1 System Configuration Collect System configuration Use Open Interface document for SC-commands and parameters explanation Use following commands: SC_C_START_APP SC_C_GET_CCU_VERSIONINFO SC_C_GET_CCU_CONFIG 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Practice 2 System Configuration Fill DB with your name residing on a unit Check it with MM Speakers info on LCD. Use following commands to fill Database with one record: DB_C_START_APP DB_C_MAINT_CCU_DB1 1 1 3 1 1 0 0 3 1 1 1 1 1 “Test” 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Practice 3 System Configuration Add your neighbor to another unit and do not give him voting authorization Check by running a voting round Use Following commands: DB_C_CCU_APPLY_ONE 1 1 3 1 2 0 0 4 1 1 1 0 1 DB_C_STOP_APP SC_C_STOP_APP 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Practice 4 System Installation Try behavior of SI functions : SC_C_START_APP SI_C_START_INSTALL 1 SI_C_SELECT_UNIT 1 1 (turns Unit 1 on) SI_C_SELECT_UNIT 2 1 (turns Unit 2 on) SI_C_SELECT_UNIT 2 0 (turns Unit 2 off) SI_C_STOP_INSTALL SC_C_STOP_APP 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Practice 5 Microphone Management Start MM on DDTK and check behavior Remote controller Turn On/Off Microphone Add delegate to request list Change Max number of speakers Change Microphone mode to override MM_C_START_MM MM_C_SET_MICRO_ON_OFF 1 1 MM_C_SPK_APPEND 3 MM_C_RTS_APPEND 2 65535 MM_C_SET_ACTIVE_MICS 3 MM_C_SET_MIC_OPER_MODE 2 MM_C_STOP_MM 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
End voting time = 10 seconds Flashing secret response Practice 6 Voting Prepare YES/NO voting End voting time = 10 seconds Flashing secret response Use present key for presence No Notifications Results not Compressed Show result on stop voting 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
VT_C_SET_GLOBAL_SETTINGS 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Suggestion VT_C_START_APP 0 0 10 Preparation: VT_C_SET_GLOBAL_SETTINGS 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 VT_C_SET_VOTINGPARAMS 1 2 0 0 1 VT_C_DOWNLOAD_SUBJECT 234 “Voting Test” “Mymotion” Execution: VT_C_START_VOTING VT_C_HOLD_VOTING VT_C_GET_RESULTS VT_C_RESTART_VOTING VT_C_STOP_VOTING 1 VT_C_STOP_APP 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Header Message Checksum Header and Checksum are protocol dependent! Protocol Layout Header and Checksum are protocol dependent! Header Message Checksum 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Simple Protocol VS Full Protocol Checksum over messages No acknowledgement No retransmissions No line checking Controller can check use SC_C_CHECK_LINK function Full Protocol Line checking Starts after first message Acknowledge of message reception Retransmissions on failures We will use Simple Protocol in this training! 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Header Message Checksum ESC $ CR Protocol Layout Header Message Checksum ESC $ CR The header has a fixed length and forms a leader to recognize the start-point of a message ESC value = 0x1B ‘$‘ value = 0x24 CR value = 0x0D 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Header Message Checksum Type Length Data Protocol Layout Currently the following types are defined for communication with the CCU: MDSM_REMOTEPROCEDURE_REQ : Always transmitted to the CCU. MDSM_REMOTEPROCEDURE_RSP : Respons back from the CCU MDSM_NOTIFY : Notification from the CCU 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Header Message Checksum Type Length Data Protocol Layout Header Message Checksum Type Length Data Defines the actual length of the data present in the array following. Only this amount of data of the ‘byData’ array is transmitted. 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Header Message Checksum Type Length Data Protocol Layout Header Message Checksum Type Length Data The actual function (+ if necessary some parameters) or notification which has to be sent or received. 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Header Message Checksum Checksum Byte Protocol Layout Header Message Checksum Checksum Byte The Checksum is calculated using the following sequence: Sum all bytes over the header and the message. Take modulo 256 of the calculated checksum and do a bitwise invert of the checksum. This calculated checksum is sent along with the packet. The receiver executes the same calculation and verifies the calculated checksum with the received checksum. 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Packing a request message Header Message Chk Checksum Calculation 1b 24 0d 03 04 00 30 1c == 09F 9F hex ESC $ CR 03 04 00 30 00 1C 00 60 Type Length 28 MM_C_SPK_APPEND Inverse 60 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Unpacking a response message Header Message Chk 03 04 00 30 00 00 00 params Type Length Error code MM_C_SPK_APPEND 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface
Unpacking a notification Header Message Chk 05 04 00 0E 00 1C 00 Type Length MM_C_SPK_APPEND_ON_PC 28 14.Mar.07 DCNNG Open Interface