Organising International Relations Central and Decentral Administration Achim Niessen, M.A. Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Germany CROSSUM International Conference Rostov-na-Donu March 2 - 3, 2004
CROSSUM, Rostov, March 2-3, 2004 Doing International Research
CROSSUM, Rostov, March 2-3, 2004 Organisational Chart (those were the days...) Institute Rector Institutes Research Labs Faculties Research Lab Financial Office Registrar
CROSSUM, Rostov, March 2-3, 2004 Tasks (imaginable) International Admissions Social Services/ Counselling for International Students Registrar for international students Scholarships for German students Organisation of International Meetings/Congresses International Visitor Services Academic Travel and Visa Office Protocol Office Preparation of Cooperation and Exchange Contracts Coordination of Exchange Programmes Translator services and international correspondence Information on scholarships, grants, project support from national and international agencies and governmental institutions, both for research and studies etc.
CROSSUM, Rostov, March 2-3, 2004 Tasks (consolidated) Intl. Admissions Services for Intl. Students and Scholars Study Abroad International Office General Intl. Services (contracts etc.) CongressesTranslations (additional) Travel Office Congress Translations Research Funding Opportunities
CROSSUM, Rostov, March 2-3, 2004 Work Areas
CROSSUM, Rostov, March 2-3, 2004 Administration Admission/ Registration Foreign Students Alumni Study Abroad Internships / Career Service EU-Programmes German Students Services Summer School Co-operation Links inside Intl. Office
CROSSUM, Rostov, March 2-3, 2004 Co-operation Links with the outside Institute Partner Universities Grant- awarding Institutions Government (state, federal, city) Research Lab Administration: cashier, registrar, legal adviser Rector International Office
CROSSUM, Rostov, March 2-3, 2004 International and External Relations New Model International and External relations International Relations Intl. Exchange Services Intl. Admissions Intl. Study Center
CROSSUM, Rostov, March 2-3, 2004 Example: Cooperation Agreement Partner HomePartner Abroad 1.Talks International Office 2. consults 3. Recommendations: sample contract, work plan, financial matters 4. Diskussion, Agreement 5. formal check 6. Presentation Rector 8. signature 7. agrees 9. signature 10. Project Quality Monitoring (formal) 11. Report
CROSSUM, Rostov, March 2-3, 2004 Work Plan Minimum requirements Who are the responsible persons on both sides? What is the general topic of cooperation? How long will the project run? What are the goals of the project - in mid-range? - year by year? Who will be involved? What are the financial arrangements ?
CROSSUM, Rostov, March 2-3, 2004 Philosophy The International Office is a support unit for all international activities of the university. It provides services by - advising the university leadership and other members of the university in all international matters - serving as the central service institution for international students and scholars - assisting in the definition and in the development of international activities - helping to identify financial sources for international activities - serving as a monitoring unit assessing formal factors of cooperation projects quality
CROSSUM, Rostov, March 2-3, 2004 Спасибо за Ваше внимание !