WJTSC 09-2 Aug 2009.  Key Points from Working Group meetings  Flow diagrams  Required Documentation  IMS Example  Way Ahead.


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Presentation transcript:

WJTSC 09-2 Aug 2009

 Key Points from Working Group meetings  Flow diagrams  Required Documentation  IMS Example  Way Ahead

 Need to incorporate existing requirements processes (JCIDS)  Need to develop standard lexicon for Joint Issue Resolution  Exploit previous processes developed for Remedial Action Program (RAP)  Adhere to DoDI , DoD Participation in NEP  Coordinate with other agency corrective action programs, such as DHS CAP  Any compulsory collaboration requires appropriate authorities  Joint issue resolution is applicable above the COCOM/CSA/Service level; each COCOM/CSA/Service will employ local practices/processes/tools to identify and resolve issues at the internal level

 COCOM/CSA/Service resolution programs will transfer issues to joint issue resolution system when applicable  Still undetermined whether advisory group or steering committee is necessary, or whether automated tool would suffice  Question raised whether JLLIS was determined to be the system to support the yet undefined process. JLLIS is the JS system of record for lessons learned. JLLIS is also identified in the DoD instruction for the National Exercise Program (NEP) as the collection mechanism for the DoD after action review. By definition, issue resolution is part of the Joint Lessons Learned Program.

“Bottom-Up”: Issue Resolution starts at lowest level using a transparent and universally accessible common resolution tool, with the ability to elevate issues to higher levels while maintaining resolution efforts at all previous levels Joint, Strategic Internal to COCOM, CSA, or Service Internal to COCOM, CSA, or Service Functional Area Escalation and Increased Collaboration OPR and OCR Assignment, Delegation Interagency DirectorateComponent COCOM, CSA Service GOSC “Top-Down”: Issues initiated at Interagency are presented to GOSC for OPR and OCR assignments; OPR and OCRs solicit input in common tool from appropriate subject matter experts DoD

COCOM, CSA, Service Issue Resolution lead (CoS?) would direct the inclusion of issue into JLLIS as O&R CJCS designated representative collects joint observations, prepares issues, briefs decision authority Decision Authority submits to USD(P) for sharing with Interagency, or submits directly to GOSC for DoD collaboration Issues from Interagency requiring DoD collaboration are submitted to GOSC GOSC representative creates issue resolution template inside joint issue resolution system COCOMs, CSAs, Services assigned as OPR or OCRs collaborate inside joint issue resolution system OPRs and OCRs obtain SME input via internal processes, provide necessary input into joint issue resolution system GOSC approves corrective action completion; OPR updates JLLIS

 Review issues from Operational level (COCOM, CSA, Service)  Determines Validity  Sets Priority  Recommends OPR and OCRs  Briefs CJCS  Opens Joint Issue Resolution Template for approved issues Joint Issue Resolution Executive Steering Committee

DHS NEP ESC includes DASD(HD &DSCA) and CJCS NEP AAR Process USD(P) DHS NEP Improvement Plan (IP) and DHS Corrective Action Program (CAP) E&E sub- PCC, DRG PCC, HSC DC GOSC DoD AAR Process OPR and OCR Assignment and Corrective Action Timeline CJCS DASD (HD&DSCA) ASD(HD&ASA) DHS NEP ESC COCOM, CSA, Service observation submissions GOSC Tracking GOSC Update via CJCS JTIMS JLLIS

12345 Decision Points COCOM, CSA, Service submit issues with joint applicability to JS JLLIS JS (ESC) approves joint issues for formal resolution JS (ESC) routes approved joint issues accordingly DOD issues submitted to GOSC and assigned OPRs/OCRs GOSC approves completion of issues, updates NEP if necessary Issues from NEP requiring DOD action submitted to GOSC

Inclusion of IMS 1.Issues requiring joint collaboration are submitted to JS J7 2.JS J7 (ESC) approves/disapproves 3.JS J7 (ESC) forwards approved issues to GOSC 4.GOSC assigns OCRs as Gatekeepers 5.GOSC representative (JS J7?) assigned as Decision Point 6.Necessary issue resolution collaboration takes place in IMS 7.GOSC determines when issue is closed

Joint Issue Resolution tool would employ standard terminology for various templates : internal resolution at directorate/special staff level : resolution across component of subordinate command (to COCOM or MAJCOM) : resolution across COCOM, CSA, or Service : resolution involving multiple COCOMs, CSA, and/or Services : resolution involving multiple departments or agencies outside DoD Functional Operational Joint Strategic Interagency Functional Joint Operational Strategic Interagency

 CJCSI/CJCSM  Update CJCSI D, JLLLP  Per CJCSI D, an observation isn’t a lesson learned until corrective action implemented and verified to solve deficiency  Create new document  Incorporate CJCSM B, Joint Training Manual, and CJCSI B, Joint Training Policy

 Part of JLLIS  Use a single O&R, or group of O&Rs (via binders) as source documents which can be linked to the created issue  Can apply additional templates while maintaining work done in previous templates  Each additional template increases the breadth of collaboration  Directorate/component/subordinate template  COCOM, CSA, Service template  DoD template

 Aug 09  Provide presentation at Worldwide Joint Training and Scheduling Conference 9-2  Joint Lessons Learned Working Group results  Intent of presentation 1.Define joint process for issue resolution 2.Identify system alternatives (tools) 3.Recommend documentation 4.Recommend way ahead  Document preparation  System configuration

 Draft process into CJCSI/CJCSM  Submit JSAP for review  Determine tool to support process  Two phase implementation  Phase 1: Use of restricted binders or Communities of Practice within JS JLLIS for collaboration following DoD hotwash  Phase 2: Incorporation of tool to collaborate on issue resolution following DoD hotwash  Incorporate Phase 1 for 2009 Hurricane Season and VIGILANT SHIELD 10  Incorporate Phase 2 for ARDENT SENTRY 10

 According to GAO Report on USNORTHCOM Exercise Program:  “We are recommending…the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff direct the Joint Staff to revise the joint lessons learned operating instruction to include procedures to ensure that corrective actions are implemented and verified in a subsequent exercise or operation before being closed.”

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UN UNCLASSIFIED Issue : Combatant Commands and Services need an automated collaboration tool for joint issue resolution. Discussion: a. Current process does not provide effective collaboration between combatant commands, combat support agencies (CSA), and Services, with well defined decision points. b. Issues requiring joint resolution do not have sufficient transparency to allow stakeholders to maintain visibility of resolution progress and allow continuous updating of issue through final resolution. c. The Joint Lessons Learned Program (JLLP) defines issues as validated observations that require corrective action. This validated observation does not become a lesson learned until the corrective action is employed and verified to solve the noted deficiency. However, the JLLP does not provide a system for how joint issues should be resolved in a collaborative environment. d. A joint issue resolution system needs to include existing requirements process, such as Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System. e. DoDI , DoD Participation in National Exercise Program (NEP), includes the interaction of the DoD and NEP After Action Review. The DoD process to support this instruction, to include collaboration and information sharing requirements between DoD and the interagency, and use of existing joint tools to enable this process, needs to be codified. Endstate: An automated joint issue resolution system integrated into the JLLP providing the ability for all combatant commands, CSAs, and Services to recommend issues for joint resolution, collaborate on existing issues, and maintain visibility on the progress of all existing issues, with decision points and authorities identified to approve and execute the corrective action plan. This issue resolution system should be compatible with interagency resolution systems, such as the Department of Homeland Security Corrective Action Program. POA&M: OPRs: OCRs: Joint Issue Resolution System TBD 09AUG 09TBD Briefer: Mr Ball