ABN AMRO reports pro-forma 2005 results under the new structure Hugh Scott-Barrett Chief Financial Officer, Member of the Managing Board London, 7 April 2006
2 Pro-forma 2005 results under the new structure 7 February 2005: strategic focus on mid-market presented 14 October 2005: new organisational structure announced 31 January 2006: full-year results 2005 Today: pro-forma 2005 results under new structure 26 April 2005: Q results released under new structure
3 ConsumerCommercial Mass Retail MNCs Mid- Market/FIs PC / Mass Affluent Top Private Clients Small Business Strategic focus on mid-market segments Product innovation Feeder channelProvider of scale SWEET SPOT
4 Global Markets EuropeNorth America Latin America AsiaPrivate Clients Global Clients NL Asset Management Group Functions Services Transaction Banking Consumer Client Segment Commercial Client Segment Local Products M&A ECM New Group structure reflects strategic focus on mid-market clients Our new group structureKey Elements of the Strategy Advantaged model: Using local client engagement while delivering additional value by leveraging our global capabilities in products / services Growth in Our Customer Sweet Spot –Where we are advantaged and most profitable Consumer: PC/Mass Affluent Clients Commercial: SMEs, Mid-large corporates & FIs Client-led strategy based on local engagement –Geographic distribution model Value driven through working as One Bank –World-class products –International network capabilities –Spreading of successful formulas –High quality and more efficient services through… and…
5 Unbundling WCS will deliver continued performance improvement Opening up former WCS to the Group will result in greater leverage of wholesale banking products across a wider set of clients The unbundling will contribute to a sustainable improvement in the efficiency ratio Arms length interaction between Global Markets and the Client Units will increase the transparency of each products economics Global Markets EuropeNorth America Latin America AsiaPrivate Clients Global Clients NL Asset Management Group Functions Services Transaction Banking Consumer Client Segment Commercial Client Segment Local Products M&A ECM
External reporting under the new Group structure
7 Quarterly financial reporting on all Client BUs, Asset Management and Group Functions ABN AMRO will publish financial accounting information on: BU NL (incl. Bouwfonds mortgages) BU Europe (incl. BAPV) BU North America BU Latin America BU Asia BU Private Clients BU Global Clients BU Asset Management BU Private Equity Bouwfonds non-mortgages* Group Functions, incl. Services Global Markets EuropeNorth America Latin America AsiaPC Global Clients NL Asset Management Group Functions Services Transaction Banking Consumer Client Segment Commercial Client Segment * Bouwfonds non-mortgage will be divested, and until that time shown separately
8 Major changes in the new structure The major changes in the new structure are: The mortgage related activities of Bouwfonds will be part of BU NL Banca Antonveneta will be part of BU Europe. We will also report Banca Antonveneta separately which will make it possible to track progress against commitments WCS has been unbundled in three parts: 1.Global Clients 2.Commercial Clients spread over the 5 regional client BUs 3.Global Markets –BU Global Markets will be reported in the regional client BUs or BU Global Clients –Proprietary trading and futures income of Global Markets will be reported in Group Functions –Commercial Clients have been transferred to and will be reported in the regional client BUs
9 ABN AMRO will also report on Global Markets and the segments to track progress against commitments ABN AMRO will provide financial information on BU Global Markets on a quarterly basis which will make it possible to track progress against commitments* ABN AMRO will provide financial information on the segments on an bi-annual basis ABN AMRO will provide financial information on Transaction Banking on an annual basis EuropeNorth America Latin America AsiaPC Global Clients NL Global Markets Asset Management Transaction Banking Consumer Client Segment Commercial Client Segment Group Functions Services * Full P/L with half year and full year results and efficiency ratio with first quarter and third quarter results
Pro-forma 2005 results
11 Breakdown of 2005 results under the new structure All figures are excluding consolidation effect of private equity holdings *NL is incl. Bouwfonds mortgage ** BF is Bouwfonds non-mortgage
12 Breakdown of 2005 profit and loss account of former WCS activities
13 Breakdown of RWAs under the former and new structure Risk weighted assets under the former structure (2005, EUR bln)* Risk weighted Assets under the new structure (2005, EUR bln)* All figures are excl. consolidation effects of controlled Private Equity holdings *Excl. significant disclosed one-off items used for normalisation as specified in FY 05 results press release on page 4 (see also appendix this presentation) ** BU NL is incl. Bouwfonds mortgage; Other incl. Group Functions, Services and Bouwfonds non-mortgage
2005 Pro-forma results per BU
15 BU Netherlands (BU NL) BU NL includes the following businesses from the former structure: BU NL (C&CC), WCS NL (excl. Global Clients), mortgage related activities of Bouwfonds and other *Excl. Global Clients
16 BU Europe BU Europe includes the following businesses from the former structure: WCS Europe (excluding Global Clients) and other (former NGM Europe) The reported results of the BU Europe reflect the fact that a significant part of the WCS business has been transferred to the BU Europe and that this part was a high efficiency ratio business. Management of the BU Europe, in cooperation with the management teams of Global Markets, Transaction Banking and Services will focus on improving the financial performance of the business in Further details on initiatives planned to improve infrastructural efficiency, including any investments associated with those initiatives, will be given with the first quarter results *Excl. Global Clients ** Adjusted for gain on sale of Bishopsgate (EUR 43 mln gross and EUR 39 mln net)
17 BU North America (BU NA) BU NA includes the following businesses from the former structure: BU NA (C&CC), WCS NA (excl. Global Clients) and other *Excl. Global Clients
18 BU Latin America (BU LA) BU LA includes the following businesses from the former structure: BU Brazil (C&CC) and WCS LA (excl. Global Clients) *Excl. Global Clients ** Adjusted for sale of Real Seguros (EUR 229 mln gross and EUR 196 mln net)
19 BU Asia BU Asia includes the following businesses from the former structure: WCS Asia (excl. Global Clients) and other (former NGM Asia) *Excl. Global Clients
20 BU Global Clients (BU GC) As of 1 January 2006 our shareholding in Korean Exchange Bank (KEB) has been transferred from the BU Private Equity to the BU Global Clients. In the pro-forma 2005 results we have already included KEB in the BU Global Clients On 14 December 2005, we set capital constraint and minimum return targets for Global Clients: RWAs on average less than 10% of Group total by end 2006 and beyond, with a return above our 10.5% assumed cost of equity *WCS Global Clients **Under former structure reported under BU Private Equity
21 BU Private Clients (BU PC) * Adjusted for gain (EUR 38 mln gross and net) on the sale of Nachenius Tjeenk and a charge (EUR 45 mln operating expenses and EUR 30 mln net profit) related to the merger of Banque Neuflize and OBC in France
22 BU Private Equity (BU PE) As of 1 January 2006 our shareholding in Korean Exchange Bank (KEB) has been transferred from the BU Private Equity to the BU Global Clients. In the pro-forma results we have already included KEB in the BU Global Clients
23 Group Functions, incl Group Services (GF) Group Functions includes the following businesses from the former structure: Group Functions and non-client related WCS activities (proprietary trading and futures) Group Functions includes the stakes in Banca Antonveneta*, Capitalia, and K&H Bank *Non-client related WCS activities (proprietary trading and futures) *** Adjusted for provisioning for balance sheet adjustment (EUR 86 mln operating income and EUR 60 mln net operating profit), release healthcare benefit provision (EUR 392 mln operating expenses and EUR 268 mln net operating profit), holiday provision (EUR 56 mln operating expenses and EUR 40 mln net operating profit), US regulatory fine (EUR 67 mln operating expenses and net operating profit) and release of tax provisions (EUR 100 mln) As of the first quarter results, Banca Antonveneta will be reported under BU Europe
24 BU Global Markets On 14 December 2005, we set the following targets for Global Markets: improved efficiency ratio for Global Markets activities – improving at least 5 percentage points in 2006, and below 80% by end 2008 *Other includes Transaction Banking, Lending and M&A/ECM
26 Appendices: table of contents Breakdown of 2005 results under the former and new structure Breakdown of pro-forma 2005 results per quarter Significant disclosed one-off items
Breakdown of 2005 results under the former and new structure
28 Breakdown of operating income under the former and new structure Operating income under the former structure (2005, EUR 19,603 mln)* All figures are excl. consolidation effects of controlled Private Equity holdings *Excl. significant disclosed one-off items used for normalisation as specified in FY 05 press release on page 4 (see also appendix of this presentation) ** BU NL is incl. Bouwfonds mortgage; Other is incl. Bouwfonds non-mortgage Operating income under the new structure (2005, EUR 19,603 mln)*
29 Breakdown of operating expenses under the former and new structure Operating expenses under the former structure (2005, EUR 13,786 mln)* Operating expenses under the new structure (2005, EUR 13,786 mln)* All figures are excl. consolidation effects of controlled Private Equity holdings *Excl. significant disclosed one-off items used for normalisation as specified in FY 05 press release on page 4 (see also appendix of this presentation) ** BU NL is incl. Bouwfonds mortgage; Other is incl. Bouwfonds non-mortgage
30 Breakdown of operating result under the former and new structure Operating result under the former structure (2005, EUR 5,817 mln)* Operating result under the new structure (2005, EUR 5,817 mln)* All figures are excl. consolidation effects of controlled Private Equity holdings *Excl. significant disclosed one-off items used for normalisation as specified in FY 05 press release on page 4 (see also appendix of this presentation) ** BU NL is incl. Bouwfonds mortgage; Other is incl. Bouwfonds non-mortgage and the negative result of BU Europe
31 Breakdown of net operating result under the former and new structure Net operating profit under the former structure (2005, EUR 3,969 mln)* All figures are excl. consolidation effects of controlled Private Equity holdings *Excl. significant disclosed one-off items used for normalisation as specified in FY 05 press release on page 4 (see also appendix of this presentation) ** BU NL is incl. Bouwfonds mortgage; Other is incl. Bouwfonds non-mortgage and the negative results of BU Europe Net operating profit under the new structure (2005, EUR 3,969 mln)*
Breakdown of pro-forma 2005 results per quarter
33 Breakdown of first quarter 2005 results under the new structure All figures are excluding consolidation effect of private equity holdings *NL is incl. Bouwfonds mortgage ** BF is Bouwfonds non-mortgage
34 Breakdown of second quarter 2005 results under the new structure All figures are excluding consolidation effect of private equity holdings *NL is incl. Bouwfonds mortgage ** BF is Bouwfonds non-mortgage
35 Breakdown of third quarter 2005 results under the new structure All figures are excluding consolidation effect of private equity holdings *NL is incl. Bouwfonds mortgage ** BF is Bouwfonds non-mortgage
36 Breakdown of fourth quarter 2005 results under the new structure All figures are excluding consolidation effect of private equity holdings *NL is incl. Bouwfonds mortgage ** BF is Bouwfonds non-mortgage
Overview of significant one-off items as specified in FY 2005 results press release
38 Overview of significant one-off items as specified in FY 05 results press release* *As the reported 2005 numbers are impacted by various incidental items, and therefore not a fair reflection of the underlying trends, we have adjusted the 2005 figures for significant disclosed one-off items (any item greater than EUR 35 mln in net operating profit terms). These items were specified in Full Year 2005 results press release on page 4 (published on 31 January 2006)