IST Programme - Key Action III Semantic Web Technologies in IST Key Action III (Multimedia Content and Tools) Hans-Georg Stork CEC DG INFSO/D5 Information Society Technologies Programme
IST Programme - Key Action III Research priorities: - mastering information - information management - information categorising Application areas: - all subject areas Mission (in a nutshell) : “making sense of data” Context: Information access, filtering analysis and handling (IAF) 5th Framework Programme >Information Society Technologies > Key Action 3 (Multimedia Content & Tools) > Area: IAF Hence: WP 2001 Action Line is “Semantic Web Technologies”
IST Programme - Key Action III Semantic Web Technologies The basic assumption: The World Wide Web is becoming a major vehicle for the distribution and delivery of multimedia content, accessible from stationary and (increasingly) mobile platforms.
IST Programme - Key Action III Semantic Web Technologies Where do we want to go? Where do we start from? How do we get there?
IST Programme - Key Action III Semantic Web Technologies Goals … enabling better access to Web-based content, its retrieval, filtering and handling, pertinent to users’ needs and interests, living up to their quality expectations... … and having these operations done through intuitively appealing interaction with largely autonomous intelligent agents...
IST Programme - Key Action III Semantic Web Technologies Starting points XML as lingua franca resource description knowledge engineering multimedia databases information retrieval content analysis agents (intelligent, autonomous, mobile, etc.) projects (Ontoknowledge, Acacia, C-Web, Ibrow, Kirmit, etc…) standards and recommendations THE VISION (T.B-L)
IST Programme - Key Action III Semantic Web Technologies A fourfold way formalizing ‘grounding’ acting using XML, RDF(S), techniques for semantic interoperability and reasoning such as ontology languages etc.(?) formalisms through content analysis to support knowledge / resource discovery, transactions, intelligent filtering and profiling, collaborative filtering, knowledge sharing interacting e.g. through intuitive visual interfaces
IST Programme - Key Action III Semantic Web Technologies Parerga* and Paralipomena** *n. pl. subordinate work; accessories **n. pl. things added as supplement to main text sustainability scalability platform specific constraints: TV, mobile (WAP, UMTS, CC/PP, …) ease of access content presentation integrating geographic information etc...
IST Programme - Key Action III Semantic Web technologies Workshop ‘Semantic Web technologies’ making contact clarifying issues putting forward project ideas … and getting ideas giving input to future IST ‘programming’ A reminder: short contributions must be short (5-15 min)
IST Programme - Key Action III IST : pointers Key Action III, Multimedia Content and Tools: ka3 Area “Information Access, Filtering, Analysis and Handling”: