Le pronom en
The pronoun en replaces de plus anything. It also replaces numbers and nouns. It will also replace a quantity. When it replaces a number or quantity and a noun, you will leave the quantity at the end of the sentence.
en will go in the same place as the other pronouns. It will go before the conjugated verb in the present tense. It will go after the verb in positive commands and the s will be added back on the tu form of –er verbs. It will go before the infinitive.
We are eating some ice cream. Nous mangeons de la glace. Nous en mangeons. They are buying some pencils. Ils achètent des crayons. Ils en achètent.
She has five sisters. Elle a cinq sœurs. Elle en a cinq. You read a lot of books. Tu lis beaucoup de livres. Tu en lis beaucoup.
You all drank some coffee. Vous en avez bu. She saw ten cars. Elle en a vu dix. Buy some! (inf) Achètes-en
Dont buy any! Nen achète pas! We want to hear some songs. Nous voulons en entendre.