Finding Scholarly Information You know how to search the web and find information focused on just about any topic you can think of. Did you know that the library’s web page provides access to thousands of scholarly articles, electronic and print books, videos, and music CDs you can’t find elsewhere? This tutorial will show you how to find appropriate resources for your academic work. You’ll learn about the collections at Cameron University Library and find out how to access the information you need.
Physical Items These are just some of the physical items available to you via Cameron Library. We have DVDs, CDs, books, and audiobooks you can borrow.
Physical Items These are just some of the physical items available to you via Cameron Library. We have DVDs, CDs, books, and audiobooks you can borrow.
Physical Items These are just some of the physical items available to you via Cameron Library. We have DVDs, CDs, books, and audiobooks you can borrow.
Physical Items These are just some of the physical items available to you via Cameron Library. We have DVDs, CDs, books, and audiobooks you can borrow.
Physical Items Using the Classic Catalog tab is the best way to search for physical items such as books, DVDs, and CDs located on the library’s shelves.
Electronic Databases These are some electronic databases available to you via Cameron Library. You can access Consumer Reports, Morningstar Investment Center, PsycARTICLES, Healthsource, and many more through the library website.
Electronic Databases Selecting the “Databases” tab will enable you to search for topic-specific article information.
eBooks Here are a few of the thousands of electronic books ready for you to download to your computer, smart phone, tablet, or other electronic reading device.
Accessing Items through the Library Website On the library’s homepage, you can use the search box to find items on your topic in all of the library’s collections. In one search, you can find articles, books, and other items. To access these items, visit the library’s webpage at Enter search terms here to search all of the library’s collections at once. Find books, articles, and more when you search this way.
Refining Your Search Many searches retrieve thousands of records, and you may need to revise your initial search in order to find exactly what you need. As you can see, a search for “influenza vaccine effectiveness” finds over 12,000 items in the library’s collections.
Refining Your Search You could look within one of the recommended specialized collections.
Refining Your Search Look for certain types of items, such as journal articles, items published during a certain date range, or items labeled with the subject term that describes your topic.
Understanding Your Results When viewing search results, it is important to recognize the different types of items that your search can pull up. For example, our search on “yoga” returned various items such as a video recording, an eBook, and a journal article.
Understanding Your Results Now let’s take a closer look at the journal article. Title of the Article Journal Title Click here to access the article.
Customizing Your Search You can also design your search to target the kinds of items you want from the beginning instead of refining a broad search. Limit your search by: Author Publication Title Date Published Material Type And More
Books, eBooks, DVDs, music recordings, scholarly journals with articles you can access online, and more – the Cameron University Library has it all, and you can find it through the library website.
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