The Rise Of Prince John And later King John
Henry II Young Henry, Richard, Geoffery, and John
Young Henry Dies
Richard The Lionhearted
The Crusades
John Becomes Regent re·gent -. substitute for monarch: somebody who rules on behalf of a monarch who is unable to rule because of youth, illness, or absence
Increases Taxes Takes back Fiefes Later
Death in Austria
John Becomes King He was crowned in
TAXES He raised taxes He took away churches land
He began imprisoning people without trial.
Barons Write Magna Carta (“Great Charter”) Certain rights even the King can not take away. The King Must Live under the Law.
John Refuses, Declares War.
Runnymede Outnumbered, John Forced To Sign. People and Propert canot be taken with out process of law. Regular people claim Magna Carta.