Session 2 Outline Introductions The Why and How of Outlining John - Chapter 1
Outlining the Passage Why Outline? This is how we discover the context of each verse Also, it is the how we interpret the passage How to Outline Read the passage Break into major pieces Give each piece a title Now go back to each piece and do it again This time, use a different criteria to break
Chapter 1 Outline I. John 1:1-18 Introducing Jesus Christ II. John 1:19-51 At the Jordon River A. John 1:19-34 What John (the Baptist) said about Jesus B. John 1:35-51 Some people meet (and start following) Jesus
John 1:1-18 Introducing Jesus Christ 1-5: The Word of God 6-9: John (the Baptist) testified of the Light 10-14: The author explains the incarnation 15: John testified of His person (identification) 16-18: The author explains the purpose Verse 17 finally introduces us by name; this Word, this Light, is Jesus Christ.
John 1:19-34 Testimony of John 19-28: Who John said he was, and wasn’t 29-34: John testifies of Jesus Himself “There he is: Look!”
John 1:35-51 Following Jesus 35-39: Call of two of John’s disciples Andrew and John (the author) 40-42: Call of Simon (Peter), Andrew’s brother 43-44: Call of Philip 45-51: Call of Nathanael
Assignment for Next Week Read John Chapter 2 Outline it
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Course Outline Class/WeekStudy TopicStudy PassageAssignment 1Basic HermeneuticsRead Chapter 1 2OutliningChapter 1Outline Chapter 2 3DiscussionChapter 2Outline Chapter 3 4What’s the Point?Chapter 3Chap. 4: Outline and Themes 5DiscussionChapter 4Chap. 5: Outline and Themes 6Language and GrammarChapter 5Chapter 6: Prepare 7Difficult Passages & ContextJohn 6:1-59Chapter 7: Prepare 8DiscussionJohn 6:60 – 7:30Chapter 8: Prepare 9DiscussionJohn 7:30 – 8:11Review 10DiscussionJohn 8:12 – 8:59Review: Class Choice 11 (12)Deeper DiscussionJohn 1-8 Class Choice
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