Washington, D.C. in pictures Autor: Mgr. Alžběta Fojtů Předmět Inovace výuky na Gymnáziu Otrokovice formou DUMů CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
District of Columbia Potomac River Maryland and Virginia the Mall area white marble neo-classicist style Pierre L'Enfant capitals: – New York (1785 – 1790) – Philadelpia (1790 – 1800) – Washington, D.C. (1800 –.. ) WASHINGTON, D.C. – BASICS 5. září 20132
legislative branch = Congress wedding-cake style” dome north wing = the Senate south wing = the House of Representatives a rotunda Statue of Freedom THE CAPITOL 5. září 20133
THE WHITE HOUSE home and main workplace Washington never lived there six levels The Oval Office 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms 412 doors, 147 windows 28 fireplaces 8 staircases, 3 elevators a tennis court, jogging track, swimming pool, cinema, and bowling lane 5. září 20134
white obelisk marble, granite, and sandstone 50 flags around 170m (world´s tallest stone structure) contributions stopped by the American Civil War halfway up different THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT 5. září 20135
3rd President, American Founding Father bronze statue good acoustics JEFFERSON MEMORIAL 5. září 20136
Reflection Pool Pantheon-like 16 th President quotations freeing slaves MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in Vietnam War protest LINCOLN MEMORIAL 5. září 20137
WAR MEMORIALS VIETNAM WAR MEMORIAL the Wall northeast of the Lincoln memorial 60,000 men and women´s names polished black granite walls KOREAN WAR MEMORIAL 5. září 20138
ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY 2.5 km 2 people who died in United States wars 127,500 persons ex-presidents The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier 5. září 20139
What is the capital of the USA (explain)? Where is it situated and why? What is the Mall? What can be found there? What style and materials were used? How many capitals and which has the USA had? WASHINGTON, D.C. in questions 5. září
WASHINGTON, D.C. in questions What does the photo show? Who lives / has lived there? Who was the first person living there? What can be found inside? What can you see in the photo? Describe it. What parts does it have? Who seats inside? 5. září A B
What can you see in the photo? Describe it. What colour(s) does it have and why? What do you know obout its history? WASHINGTON, D.C. in questions What can you see in the photo? Describe it. What can you find inside? 5. září A B
What can you see in the photo? Describe it. What can you find inside? Are the two pictures linked somehow? Do you know any important events which took place here? WASHINGTON, D.C. in questions 5. září
WASHINGTON, D.C. in questions What is in the picture? Describe it. Why do so many people visit this place? What is in the picture? Describe it. What is the most famous part of this place? What does it symbolize? 5. září A B
Použité zdroje BRENDLOVÁ, S. Basic Facts on English Speaking Countries ISBN BURKE, S., POWERS, A.L. Eyewitness Travel: Washington, DC. DK: ISBN září Všechny objekty použité k vytvoření prezentace jsou součástí SW Microsoft Office nebo jsou vlastní originální tvorbou autora.