Rzhavtseva Nastya 10Б
The legend says that the daughter of the king Numitor had twins baby boys. They were put into a basket and then the basket was washed ashore. They landed where there were three hills. The boys were called Romulus and Remus. Later on a female wolf came and she saw them and so she fed them her milk.
The shepherd Faustulus found Romulus and Remus and brought them into his home. The two brothers grew up. They arrived at the Palatine Hill and founded a settlement there. They argued over where the exact position of the city should be. Romulus grew jealous of Remus and killed his brother. and named the new city Rome after himself.
Gradually Romans expended their power number of neighbouring peoples and took part in overseas wars. The wars were successful and increased the power and wealth of the upper classes.
Most of Romans were farmers. Some of the farmers were slaves. Also Romans were good at trade and at building roads.
Roman family consisted of father, mother, children, married sons, their family, and slaves. If you didn't get married by the age of 15-16, you were punished. The person who decided his children could marry was the head of the house, the father. The family was very important to Romans. Women were under control of their husbands but controlled how the house was run.
Religion played a very important role in the daily life of Ancient Rome and the Romans. The Romans believed that gods controlled their lives and, as a result, spent a great deal of their time worshipping them. The most important god was Jupiter. He was the king of gods who ruled with his wife Juno, the goddess of the sky.
Mars (God of War) Mercury (The messenger of the gods) Janus (God of the Doorway) Neptune (God of the Sea)
Diana (Goddess of Hunting) Minerva (Goddess of Healing and Wisdom) Venus (Goddess of Love) Vesta (Goddess of the Hearth)
in architecture (for example, arches, nails) unite of length (mile) codex ( first book) gladius (Roman`s sword)
Colesseum, ItalyThe Aqueduct of Segovia, Spain
Roman Bridge, Portugal Tower of Hercules (Roman lighthouse), Spain Road in Pompeii, Italy