WELCOME! SB 191 Pilot and Integration Summit Katy Anthes Executive Director of Educator Effectiveness
Katy Anthes June 26-27, 2012 Welcome Purpose of the Summit Context: Pilot & Integration Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
Katy Anthes June 26-27, 2012 Integration: How it all fits together
Katy Anthes June 26-27, 2012 Driving Questions: The same questions we ask in PLC’s What do we want them to know and be able to do? How will we know if expectations are met? How will we create responsive systems to support their learning? StudentsColorado Academic Standards & English language proficiency standards Assessments: Summative and Formative Multi-tiered systems of supports: RTI &PBIS Standards Based Curriculum Individual Student Plans (IEP, ILP, ALP, SRP) EducatorsProfessional practice standards Performance evaluations Induction & Mentoring Instructional Leadership & Feedback Targeted goal creation Professional development plans Schools/DistrictsPerformance indicators School and district performance frameworks Unified Improvement Planning (UIP) CAP4K- Standards- 212 Educator Effectiveness 191 System of accountability & support- 163 Evaluation is not an add on– it is a critical component of healthy organizations
Katy Anthes June 26-27, 2012 Your Leadership EdCounsel Multi-state Network: “Colorado is so thoughtful and collaborative with regard to the way they go about things. Their commitment to continuously improving the system is very smart.”
Katy Anthes June 26-27, 2012 Your Leadership AIR/ TQ Center: “In many states you would not see as deep of a collaborative relationship with districts in terms of developing and refining the evaluation system. You are being watched. They are writing a case study about the CO collaborative approach to the development of the state system.”
Katy Anthes June 26-27, 2012 Your Leadership National Governor’s Association: In a scan of 6 states on Educator Effectiveness EVERY state said (some version of), “We are watching what CO is doing with regard to the development and refinement of their rubrics for all personnel and will steal from them when they are done.”
Katy Anthes June 26-27, 2012 We Thank You for All Your Efforts!
Helayne Jones 9June 26-27, 2012 Igniting the Power of Public Education The Colorado Legacy Foundation (CLF) is an independent non-profit organization that works in partnership with the Colorado Department of Education and public education stakeholders to catalyze bold improvement in student achievement through innovation, collaboration and capacity building.
Helayne Jones 10June 26-27, 2012 CLF Vision CLF believes that increased student achievement for all Colorado students requires: effective leaders in every school, effective educators in every classroom, and healthy and engaging environments for all children that ignite a passion for learning in every student.
Helayne Jones 11June 26-27, 2012 Theory of Action ACCELERATE BUILD COLLABORATE
Helayne Jones 12June 26-27, 2012 Health and Wellness Colorado Legacy Schools Expanded Learning Opportunities Colorado Integration Project Improving Student Achievement Improving Student Success Improving Student Engagement Improving Student Outcomes Accelerate Bold Improvements
Helayne Jones 13June 26-27, 2012 Colorado Department of EducationColorado Legacy Foundation State agency authorized to implement SB 191 and SB 212 Independent non-profit working with public education stakeholders and CDE Legal authority and responsibility to ensure local compliance with SB 191 and SB 212 of all districts in Colorado Collaborate with educators, and school districts to catalyze bold improvement in student achievement using innovative instructional tools and practices Create and support districts in implementing state model evaluation system and Colorado Academic Standards Build capacity at CDE and with educators and local districts to implement and sustain meaningful change Create state resource bank to support all districts in implementing local evaluation systems and standards Identify, incubate and share innovations that spark dramatic improvement in the quality of instructional practice and student academic growth Support State Board rule adoption, and ongoing interpretation and implementation of policy Inform policy and system improvements at the state and local level using lessons learned locally and nationally CDE and CLF: A Working Partnership
Katy Anthes June 26-27, 2012 Awards Protocol Think back over this past year. What successes have you had? With your team, create a list of the successes that you had along the way. Determine a success that’s had the greatest impact (or potential impact) on your district. Then, design an award that highlights your success. Toby King
Katy Anthes June 26-27, 2012 Awards Protocol Include: A picture or symbol that represents your success and/or a word or phrase that embodies your success A brief description of the success The impact it’s had or you expect it to have Your district or school name and contact information (Others might want to know how you got there!) Choose a spokesperson(s) to share your award with the larger group. You will have 1-2 minutes to present your award sometime during the summit. Toby King
Katy Anthes June 26-27, 2012 What’s Next Buffet lunch served in the outdoor tent from 11:00-11:50am –Please exit ballroom promptly so walls can be reset. Successes, Strategies and Lessons Learned Breakout Session from 12:00- 12:45pm –Check back of nametag for room assignment. Toby King