STUFF I WISH I’D KNOWN! Mary Anne Holmes University of Nebraska-Lincoln
At the Very Beginning 1. Piarra Budget for a professional publicist; student in marketing Flyers, ads, design – all cost $$ Need swag – pens, water bottles, pads of paper, magnets, all with ‘logo’ Use University Marketing class to design your ‘ad campaign’ Campus Newspaper Public Relations You are a TEAM, all working towards the same goal
At the Very Beginning 2. Your Evaluation Team 3. Lunches are the best way to get people to a meeting. Budget for a lot. 4. Working with the library: a huge help Digital resources 5. Use Appreciative Inquiry to get groups, committees going; call it “Discussion Questions” 6. Internal Advisory Board: pros and cons What to use them for How to get them going, engaged 7. External Advisory Board: same Q’s
In Case You Don’t Already Know… Polyglotism of STEM The Art of Data Interpretation
Interpreting Data “It’s encouraging to see that the trend is up.” “…they are not going on for advance degrees because there are jobs out there already.” “Quite frankly, it’s been about ten years now, and…we [don’t see] these percentages [from degrees] on faculties.” “The pipeline narrows a little from bachelor’s to PhD, but where they fall out is after PhD.”
In the Middle Be prepared for personnel turnover The Third Year Site Visit is a Wonderful Opportunity Hire extra help: guides, drivers Provide administrative structure chart
In the Middle Institutionalization What? You haven’t started yet? Publications Shield writing time – writing retreat Be clear about who gets what data Evaluation and Research go hand-in-hand
Near the End Bring in fresh people for new ideas Change is HARD! Celebrate small victories Celebrate Large Victories, too!
Some Resources Crucial Conversations, Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan and Al Switzler How to Write a Lot, by Paul Silvia The No Asshole Rule, Robt. I. Sutton Leadership Without Easy Answers, Heifetz Leadership on the Line, Linsky and Heifetz Communicate Effectively: Pink Brain, Blue Brain, Lise Eliot books by Malcolm Gladwell