Hemispheric Dominance Inventory Hello, my name is Carolyn Fuentes and this presentation is based on the Hemispheric Dominance Inventory. As you can see from the picture on this slide, it details characteristics of the Whole Brain Model of Left Mode Verbal and the Right Mode Non-Verbal. Take the test: http://brain.web-us.com/brain/braindominance.htm
Hemispheric Dominance Inventory Left Hemisphere Style Rational Responds to verbal instructions Problem solves by logically and sequentially looking at the parts of things Looks at differences Is planned and structured Prefers established, certain information Prefers talking and writing Prefers multiple choice tests Controls feelings Prefers ranked authority structures The second slide explains the characteristics of the Left Hemispheric Style and that is the Rational side of your brain. As you can see from the list, it explains as follows:
Hemispheric Dominance Inventory Right Hemisphere Style Intuitive Responds to demonstrated instructions Problem solves with hunches, looking for patterns and configurations Looks at similarities Is fluid and spontaneous Prefers elusive, uncertain information Prefers drawing and manipulating objects Prefers open ended questions Free with feelings Prefers collegial authority structures The third slide explains the characteristics of the Right Hemispheric Style and that is the Intuitive side of your brain. As you can see from the list, it explains as follows: The second slide explains the characteristics of the Left Hemispheric Style and that is the Rational side of your brain. As you can see from the list, it goes:
Hemispheric Dominance Inventory Hemispheric Dominance Inventory: (are you right or left brained or maybe both?) www.mtsu.edu/~devstud/advisor/hemispheric_dominance.html The last slide shows you the website of the Hemispheric Dominance Inventory, where you can take a test to see the results of your brain mode. I hope that you enjoyed this information and will take the test. This concludes my presentation and Good-bye!