Betsy Wilson Jennifer Ward University of Washington
Approached OCLC in summer 2006 Beta launched April 30, 2007 Three rounds of usability testing Challenges of working with a moving target
Next-Gen Catalog as Porcine Adornment Users prefer simple and direct search Make it easy to GET, not just easy to FIND TOO MANY SILOS!!!
Discovery Silos Three library catalog silos: ◦ UW Libraries Catalog ◦ Consortial catalog (Summit: 38 academic libraries in Oregon and Washington) ◦ WorldCat Hundreds of databases Libraries’ digital collections
Without WorldCat Local you need to search: Local catalog Group catalog Databases WorldCat
One simple search box…
Fulfillment Silos Three library resource silos: ◦ UW Libraries catalog requesting ◦ Consortial catalog requesting ◦ Interlibrary loan The WEB!!!
Without WorldCat Local: User sees 3 copies in local catalog All 3 copies are out To “get it,” need to place hold or search group catalog For ILL, go back to library homepage With WorldCat Local, appropriate fulfillment options are offered in record display
WorldCat consists of: over 121 million MARC bibliographic records over 50 million article citations MEDLINE, ERIC, ArticleFirst, British Library Inside Serials service, GPO Monthly Catalog (soon to include data from HW Wilson, MLA, and EBSCO) Assumptions In an ‘ideal’ world, the local catalog and the consortial catalog are a subset of WorldCat WorldCat meets the library information needs of many users or will at least serve as a good ‘starting point’
Branding (library-specific links/logos/colors) Base URL Search Result Sort Order Catalog Scopes Item Status/Availability Fulfillment Options Library’s Online Links Consortia Holdings
Send user to local catalog requesting Send user to consortial catalog requesting Send user to ILL requesting Send user to link resolver Send user to local digital repository Link text and hover text is customizable
Fulfillment services offered are dependent on Resource type OCLC holding libraries Local item status Local item location Individual library determines which services are offered depending on conditions
Google Book/Amazon Links Links to Related Content (TOC/Biography) Digital images from ContentDM FRBRized Record Sets Citation Creation and Management Did you mean....? User Reviews
Third-party record sets not part of WorldCat Doesn’t include local record edits Relies on OCLC record number in local catalog ◦ Records needing retrospective conversion ◦ On-order/in-process records ◦ Local/brief records and other non-contributed content (Special Collections) Doesn’t consistently surface e-content
Implementation issues include: Fulfillment setup Local catalog preparation Staff training Shift in corporate culture Plan for success!
Monthly installations that include bug fixes and/or system enhancements Changes based on usability testing or other forms of end-user feedback ◦ No enhancement requests as with a typical ILS vendor Not an expert interface
59% increase in consortial borrowing 101% increase in interlibrary borrowing
Top 5 origins in Q1 2009: ISI/WoS76096 WCL70019 EBSCO44220 PubMed39617 Google16829
Metasearch Local Holdings Records (LHR) “Shopping Cart” Better identification of digital/electronic materials and access rights Digital Materials search Recommendations: ◦ Large Serials TF ◦ Special Collections TF
Orbis Cascade Alliance Oregon & Washington Private & Public, 2-year & 4-year Colleges, Universities, Community colleges Members serving 600 – 44,000 students (FTE)
Electronic Resources – 80 libraries in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Hawaii – Databases, ejournals, ebooks, etc. Northwest Digital Archives – 31 libraries, archives, museums, historical societies in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska – EAD finding aids, union database, digital content Summit Resource Sharing System – 36 academic institutions in Oregon and Washington – 9.2 million unique titles, 28.7 million items – INN-Reach WorldCat Navigator – All members use III Integrated Library System – Very popular service …
1. Regional Library Services Center 2. Cooperative Collection Development 3. Digital Services Program 4. Northwest Digital Archives 5. ARL/ACRL Institute on Scholarly Communication 6. Next Generation Systems Data Harvesting Discovery: Aquabrowser, Encore, Endeca, Local development, WorldCat Local, Primo, etc. Resource Sharing Systems Integrated Library Systems (ILS) “Moving to the Network Level” – April 2006 Retreat
Leadership opportunity Foster competition in the marketplace Cost effective Cross-platform Merging of ILL and circ workflows Solution based on standards Strategic partnership with OCLC Excellence in service to patrons Improved discovery system More trading partners, more materials available Continuous improvement Increase in resource sharing
Discovery – Group Catalog on the platform – Option for member libraries to implement WorldCat Local Delivery – Navigator Request Engine based on Virtual Document eXchange (VDX) – New: III Circulation gateway; Availability; Streamlined workflow Integrated Solution
Consortial Borrowing ILL Total Resource Sharing Load balancing is working Patrons: Feedback is good Staff: more work per item, but it is early Early, anecdotal results … more complete data to follow
Eliminate workflow redundancy Shared technical services “Collective” collection Cost-containment New forms of resource sharing
Comments? Questions?