LOOK OUT BELOWUNITED STATES GEOGRAPHY! Today you are an explorer! Lesson 2 LOOK OUT BELOWUNITED STATES GEOGRAPHY! Today you are an explorer!
TAKE-OFF LET’S REVIEW How the F.L.I.G.H.T. Values can help us be successful. How many miles did I fly on my last trip? Which is my favorite airport to land? What did you discover about different Southwest jobs, during Lesson 1A: “While the Pilot Is Away…Where in the World?” Who would like to share your 1st Solo Flight – “When I Grow Up I Want To Be”? WHAT IS YOUR DREAM? Education can get you there! Lesson 2: Look Out BelowUnited States Geography!
TAKE-OFF GEOGRAPHY FROM 35,000 FEET Everyday I get to experience the amazing geography of the United States. Looking out my office window, I see all kinds of different… Rivers, lakes, and oceans Mountains, plains and valleys Cities and towns All of these are part of geography! GEOGRAPHY The study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere. Lesson 2: Look Out BelowUnited States Geography!
TAKE-OFF 3-LETTER CITY CODES 3-Letter City Codes are an abbreviation for the name of a city’s airport. Why does the aviation industry use 3-Letter City Codes? Some 3-Letter City Codes make sense, but not always, why? Let’s figure out what city these 3-Letter City Codes are an abbreviation for: SAN BOI MSY GEG Lesson 2: Look Out BelowUnited States Geography!
TAKE-OFF TIME ZONES How many time zones are there around the world? Why are there so many time zones? Where are time zones measured from? How many time zones are there in the continental United States? What time zone do you live in? If it’s 6:00 am in SEA, what do you think kids are doing at that moment in MCO? Let’s take a look at how to calculate what time it is in MCO… Adopt-A-Pilot Map Lesson 2: Look Out BelowUnited States Geography!
IN-CLASS ACTIVITY 1 CRUISE-THROUGH TIME COUNT TIME FORWARDS Knowing the current time in any city is as easy as counting forwards or backwards. Let’s take a look at calculating time when traveling from west to east. On the Adopt-A-Pilot map, locate the city where you know the current time. On the Adopt-A-Pilot map, locate the city where you want to know the current time. Count the number of time zone lines you cross to get from the city where you know the time to the city where you want to know the time. Looking at the clock, begin at the time you know and count FORWARD (clockwise) the number of time zones lines crossed. This is the current time in the city where you want to know the time. Lesson 2: Look Out BelowUnited States Geography!
IN-CLASS ACTIVITY 1 (con’t) CRUISE-THROUGH TIME COUNT TIME BACKWARDS Knowing the current time in any city is as easy as counting forward or backward. Let’s take a look at calculating time when traveling from east to west. On the Adopt-A-Pilot map, locate the city where you know the current time. On the Adopt-A-Pilot map, locate the city where you want to know the current time. Count the number of time zone lines you cross to get from the city where you know the time to the city where you want to know the time. Looking at the clock, begin at the time you know and count BACKWARD (counter-clockwise) the number of time zones lines crossed. This is the current time in the city where you want to know the time. Lesson 2: Look Out BelowUnited States Geography!
AT-HOME ACTIVITY 2nd SOLO FLIGHT – “A JOURNEY THROUGH TIME” The United States is a big place! While I am away, explore what you’ve learned about time zones and U.S. geography. LEADERSHIP is one of the F.L.I.G.H.T. Values. Who do you know that exhibits LEADERSHIP? Aviation uses 3-Letter City Codes to abbreviate the name of airports. If you know the current time in a city, you can figure out the current time anywhere in the world by counting time forwards or backwards. SOLO FLIGHT Your chance to see how much you have learned! Lesson 2: Look Out BelowUnited States Geography!
LANDING Congratulations! Today, you were an explorer of United States geography. You learned all about continental United States time zones. While I am away, you will follow my flights around the U.S. during Lesson 2A: “While the Pilot Is Away – Plan Your Trip!” If there is time, you and your teacher will discover more about United States cities during Lesson 2A: “While the Pilot Is Away – Plan Your Trip!” Be sure to complete your 2nd Solo Flight – “A Journey through Time” before my next visit. Next Up…U.S. Travel! Today you were an explorer! WAY TO GO! Lesson 2: Look Out BelowUnited States Geography!