Hospital Location Implications for Health Hospitals are entries to health care access “Access to health services means the timely use of personal health services to achieve the best health outcomes”¹ California has 535 licensed acute care hospitals² 1.Institute of Medicine, Committee on Monitoring Access to Personal Health Care Services. Access to health care in America. Millman M, editor. Washington: National Academies Press; Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development June2012.pdf Source: anning_eval/vital_statistics/ Physician_Information_main_ page.html
Hospitals are heavily clustered in wealthier counties Median income varied from $36k in Modoc County to $94k in Marin County Los Angeles County on the higher side of median income at $58,611 Skills: Geoprocessing (clipping) and Geocoding, Inset Map, Select by Attribute – “Highest Income Counties” was derived by Querying “Median Income” for “medincome.> and exporting data to a new layer. Map Prepared by Stella Kim Income and Hospital Location Variation Map Prepared by Stella Kim
Population Clusters and Hospital Location Skills: Geocoding, Geoprocessing (clipping), Point Graduated Symbol Map Prepared by Stella Kim CA Geographic Terrain and Hospital Location Skills: Geocoding, Geoprocessing (clipping) Map Prepared by Stella Kim Sources: California Public Health Department, ARCGIS Online Basemap
In densely populated counties, most can access hospitals coverage of the entire county is generally within 10 miles Rural counties have less hospitals and their ranges don’t meet Source: US Census, California Department of Public Health Skills: Geoprocessing (clipping), Geocoding, Buffering Map Prepared by Stella Kim 10 Mile Radius of Hospitals Within Counties
Health Risks: Diabetes Incidence and Uninsured Populations The CDC estimates that in the US, 8.3% of the population is currently diabetic¹ In California the diabetic rate ranges from 8% to 10% National uninsured rate was 15.7% in 2011 of 311 million people according to the US Census ² California’s counties ranged from 12% in Marin County to 25% in Los Angeles County 1.Center for Disease Control and Prevention Kaiser Health NewsKaiser Health News uninsured-drops.aspx
California Counties Above National Average Percent of Uninsured Populations California Counties Above National Average Percent of Diabetic Incidence Sources: US Census, County Health Rankings Project Map Prepared by Stella Kim
Methodology: County Health Rankings County Health Ranking Project funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation ¹ Ranks counties based on Health Factors, tobacco usage, sex, diet, access to care, quality of care, income, employment, education and environment Also ranks counties based on health outcomes including morbidity, mortality, health behaviors, clinical care. 1.County Health Rankings
County Health Rankings Highest to Lowest Skills: Geoprocessing (clipping), Geocoding Map Prepared by Stella Kim
LA County: A Closer Look
FINDINGS & NEXT STEPS FINDINGS: Median Income breakdown of counties are very similar to County Health Rankings with wealthier and higher ranked counties having the most hospitals and access of care Counties with high incidence of diabetes, and uninsured populations are lacking in hospital service. Additional variables and data must be examined to better compare LA County’s health status and hospital utilization as a possible factor for the final
SKILLS UTILIZED Inset Map Geocoding Geoprocessing Point symbol Buffering Attribute sub-set selections
Challenges CHALLENGES: GIS steep learning curve, DATA DATA DATA, finding it and manipulating it. Lack of actual hospital utilization data put further query at a standstill FURTHER QUERIES: Thorough examination and hunting of original data for an innovative project
Sources US Census California Department of Public Health County Health Ranking Project Kaiser Health News Center for Disease Control Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development Institute of Medicine