CAAG Czech Association of Geophysicists


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Presentation transcript:

CAAG Czech Association of Geophysicists

CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists CAAG was founded in 1992 CAAG is a voluntary, non-profit, professional association of persons working in the field of geophysics in the Czech Republic. On January 2012: about 100 members, mainly professional geophysicists, also students and other geoscientists CAAG is an associated society of EAGE and a member of UGA (Union of Geological Associations – an organization covering all Czech professional geoscientific associations). Through the UGA, CAAG is also a member of EFG (European Federation of Geologists).

CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists Executive board 2012 – 2014 President: Prof. Dr. Zdeněk Kaláb, Ph.D. Vice-presidents: Dr. Jaroslav Bárta, Ph.D. Dr. Dana Čápová Secretary: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jan Vilhelm, Ph.D. Treasurer: Dr. Dušan Dostál Members: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pavel Bláha, DrSc. Dr. Karel Holub, DrSc. Dr. Ota Pazdírek Dipl. Eng. Jiří Hruška Dipl. Eng. Martin Stolárik Auditors: Dr. Zdeněk Jáně Dipl. Eng. Roman Duras Dr. Karel Dědáček

CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists Current Honorary members Dr. Karel Holub, DrSc. Dr. Marta Chlupáčová, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jaroslav Kněz, Ph.D. Dr. Miroslav Kobr, Ph.D. Dipl. Eng. Miroslav Krs, Ph.D. Prof. Dipl. Eng. František Marek, Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Stanislav Mareš, Ph.D. Dr. Jan Mašín, Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Milan Matolín, DrSc. Prof. Dipl. Eng. Karel Müller, DrSc. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lubomil Pospíšil, Ph.D. Dr. Vladimír Rudajev, DrSc. Dr. František Ryšavý Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jiří Skopec, Ph.D.

CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists Main activities are: Liaison between scientific and professional institutions and individuals in the Czech Republic Publication of the results of geophysical investigations and related topics (EGRSE Journal, partly Bulletin of Union of Geological Associations) Organization of symposia, conferences, meetings and lectures in co-operation with other institutions

CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists The mission and main aims of CAAG are: to protect the interests of its members and the reputation of geophysics as a whole to maintain and improve the professional level of Czech geophysics to develop the professional skills and ethics of its members to represent Czech geophysics in governmental institutions to take part in legislative and norm-setting activities related to the field of geophysics to cooperate with Czech professional associations representing related geosciences to cooperate with foreign and international organizations with the same interests to develop cooperation with national and foreign geoscientific institutions and companies to provide professional expertise and consultancy to users of applied geophysics to support the members, as well as users of geophysics and other interested groups, by providing up-to-date information, organizing professional events, seminars, and conferences, and enabling publication

CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists Since 1994, CAAG has published a scientific journal called EGRSE. Both English and Czech editions (2 per year) are issued alternately. Head of Advisory Board: Assoc.Prof. Dr. Pavel Bláha, DrSc. Editor-in-chief: Dr. František Ryšavý EGRSE – International Journal of Exploration Geophysics, Remote Sensing and Environment

CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists CAAG is an experienced organizer of scientific seminars, workshops and conferences. Some of you will remember the successful 9th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Near Surface 2003, organized by CAAG in Prague in September Every year CAAG organizes several workshops and seminars for its members and the wider geological public, inviting outstanding scientists as well as representatives from leading geophysical companies, both from the Czech Republic and abroad. The Ostrava branch of CAAG organizes an annual regional Czech-Slovak-Polish conference on seismology, applied geophysics and geotechnical engineering in Ostrava (in 2012 the 21 st conference was held)

CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists The Czech Student Chapter, which is part of the European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, was founded by students at Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science ( Examples of activities: –Geophysical excursion (May 2010, DMT and MND) –Geophysical field training (July 2010, Rejvíz, Czech Republic) –organizing technical lectures and courses –cooperation with high-schools The Student Lecture Tour of EAGE is also organized. Czech Student Chapter

CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists EAGE Student Chapter and SEG Student Chapter

CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists Poster presented by Bc. Lucie Čápová at IGC 34, Brisbane: Enhanced Geothermal Systems in Europe – conditions, perspectives and case studies Lecture presented by RNDr. Dana Čápová at IGC 34, Brisbane: AEGOS – Technical architecture for multilingual web access to georesources information in Africa

CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists Exhibition of geophysical instrumentation in Brno, March 2010 Lecture by Prof. P.Varga (Budapest, HAS): Return Period of Strongest Earthquakes of a Given Seismic Source Zone presented in Ostrava in September 2012

CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists Openings of Conference „New Knowledge in Seismology, Engineering Geophysics and Geotechnical Engineering“ in Ostrava, April 2012 (from left: Prof. Dr. Radim Blaheta, Ph.D., director of Institute of Geonics ASCR Ostrava, Prof. Dipl. Eng. Darja Kubečková, Ph.D., dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Prof. Dr. Zdeněk Kaláb, Ph.D., president of ČAAG, and Prof. Dr hab. Eng. Piotr Strzalkowski, vice-dean of Faculty of Mining and Geology, Silesian Technical University of Gliwice, Poland) – 21 st conference in Ostrava Participants of the conference in 2012

CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists 72 nd EAGE Conference and Exhibition – Barcelona th EAGE Conference and Exhibition – Copenhagen 2012

CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists Contact address - secretariat: CAAG - Czech Association of Geophysicists Charles University, Faculty of Science Department of Geophysics Albertov 6, CZ PRAHA 2 President of the CAAG (from 2008): Prof. Dr. Zdeněk KALÁB, Ph.D. Institute of Geonics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Department of Geomechanics and Mining Research Studentská 1768, CZ Ostrava – Poruba