Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP) and Safety Management System (SMS) in the Context of the Seveso II Directive
Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP) Main Goal – Achieving Plant Safety thus ensuring high Level of Protection for Man and Environment Both on- and off-site MAPP – Main Tool Applies for all Establishments Formal Document Proportionate to the Major Accident Hazard Overall Aims and Principles of Major Accident Hazards Prevention and Control
Safety Management System (SMS) Part of the overall Management System Includes the organizational structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for determining and implementing the MAPP No explicit requirement to constitute a formal document Could be integrated with the Environmental & Health Management System Available to the CA for the purposes of: Verification that the operator has taken all measures for prevention of major accidents and limitation of their consequences for man and the environment Control over the safety performance of the enterprise
MAPP and SMS - Principles Achievable and proportionate to the Hazards Perpetual Improvement Compliance with the existing Safety, Health and Environment Legislation as minimum Requirement Compliance with any other voluntary commitments undertaken by the Establishment (i.e. Standards, Schemes, Initiatives, etc.) Endorsed by the Senior Management Documented and implemented Consulted with the Personnel on-site (incl. Subcontractors) Personnel provided with Information for and Training on the MAPP and the SMS Available for all relevant Stakeholders Monitored and Evaluated periodically and after certain events (i.e.. Accidents, near misses, changes in the legislation or technology, etc. ) Reviewed and updated periodically and after certain events in order to ensure their adequacy and efficiency
SMS – Elements organization and personnel identification and evaluation of major hazards operational control management of change planning for emergencies monitoring performance audit and review
SMS – Elements ORGANIZATION AND PERSONNEL Roles and responsibilities of the personnel involved in the control of risks of major accident hazards at all levels in the organization Identification of training needs and Training for the personnel Involvement of employees and subcontracted personnel working in the establishment
SMS – Elements IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF MAJOR HAZARDS Procedures for systematic identification of the major accident hazards Development of representative major accident scenarios Assessment of the likelihood and severity of the major accident scenarios Evaluation of the Acceptability of the major accident risks For both normal and abnormal operation
SMS – Elements OPERATIONAL CONTROL Procedures and instructions for safe operation of the plant, incl. maintenance procedures Taking into account the relevant hazardous substances and their physicochemical, toxicological and ecotoxicoplogical properties, processes, incl. temporary stoppages, shutdown and start-up procedures, production and safety equipment etc.
SMS – Elements MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE procedures for the planning of: the modification of existing or the design of new installations The introduction of new processes or substances
SMS – Elements PLANNING FOR EMERGENCIES procedures for: identification of foreseeable emergency situations by systematic analysis preparation, testing and review of emergency plans to respond to such emergencies provision of specific training for the personnel cooperation with the CA
SMS – Elements MONITORING PERFORMANCE procedures for continuous assessment of: the level of compliance with the objectives in the MAPP the adequacy of the measures foreseen in the SMS mechanisms for investigation and corrective action in case of non-compliance determining the immediate causes of sub-standard performance Procedures for reporting, investigation, and follow-up on the basis of lessons learnt, of major accidents or near misses, particularly those involving failure of safety measures and equipment identifying underlying causes and implications for design, control and operation of the safety management system as established
SMS – Elements AUDIT AND REVIEW procedures for periodic systematic assessment of the adequacy of the MAPP the effectiveness and suitability of the SMS Internal plant and site audits Independent external audits of site Evaluating audit results against safety and environmental policy standards Evaluatong audit results against performance of business competitors and best business practice Documented review of the performance of the MAPP and SMS Update and follow-up by senior management to achieve improvements identified
SMS - Implementation Key Steps Determination of the baseline Planning and development of MAPP and SMS Identification, assessment and management of major accident hazards Determination of the legal requirements for the establishments Determination of the voluntary commitments undertaken Establishing Goals and Indicators Developing Compliance programme
SMS – Management Loop
SMS - Enforcement Should be done in systematic and planned way Audit-like inspections Should ensure that the procedures are developed, implemented, reviewed and updated Should ensure the measures taken are proportionate to the risks assumed Should ensure that there are enough resources in order to adequately implement the MAPP Should clearly define the organisation and personnel responsibilities Should unambiguously identify and evaluate the major accident hazards Should ensure there is commitment to the implementation of the MAPP on all levels