Select Team Man-Down Defense: 55
55: Level of Play Level of Play (55) “55” is the string based defense that all teams should use in man-down situations.
55 Against a 3-3
55: Set-up Set-up (55 Against a 3-3) This is a 5-man zone rotation defense or a “string” defense that relies on all five defenders moving in unison in order to cover the perimeter and the crease. Instead of one player having the responsibility of covering the crease and a perimeter player, all five have to account for the outside and the inside. Each player has a zone for which they are responsible.
55: Set-up Set-up (55 Against a 3-3) If two offensive players flood that zone then an adjacent defender must slide over to help.
D4 D3 D2 M1 D1 55: Set Up (Against the 3-3)
Execution (55 Against a 3-3) On-ball defenders cover their man hard but not overly aggressive, trying to get a poke check in as their man goes to throw a pass. Adjacent players are in the skip pass lanes preventing these from occurring. The two backside players are tight to the crease discouraging a pass to this area…
Execution (55 Against a 3-3 Cont.) 55: Execution Continued Execution (55 Against a 3-3 Cont.) If an offensive player carries the ball from one zone to the next, then the original on-ball defender must “pass” this player onto their adjacent teammate and recover back to their zone. If an offensive player cuts, then the closest defender must go with the cutter until they can “release them to their teammate on the crease. They should then recover back to their original zones.
Execution (55 Against a 3-3 Cont.) 55: Execution Continued Execution (55 Against a 3-3 Cont.) If the ball starts in the top middle of the 3-3, then D1 plays the ball, trying to get a poke check on the offensive player as they pass the ball. M1 and D2 are responsible for the skip pass lanes to the low left and low right offensive players. D3 and D4 must converge on the crease player if a pass is thrown inside.
D4 D3 D2 M1 D1 55: Execution (Against the 3-3)
It’s imperative that the two players farthest from the ball pinch to help on the crease. Also, players must have their sticks up and in the “skip” lanes at all times. 55: Set Up (Against the 3-3)
55 Against a 1-3-2
55: Set-up Set-up (55 Against a 1-3-2) This remains a 5-man zone rotation defense or a “string” defense that relies on all five defenders moving in unison in order to cover the perimeter and the crease. The only difference against the 1-3-2 is that the base defenders must be prepared to play the man at “X” when he rolls around to push a side.
D2 D3 D4 D1 M1 55: Set Up (Against the 1-3-2)
Execution (55 Against a 1-3-2) When the ball is at “X” D4 will play the ball, trying to get a poke check on the offensive player as they pass the ball. D3 and D2 are responsible for the skip pass lanes to the top right and top left offensive players. They also don’t want to leave the wing players free because they are more dangerous. M1 is responsible for helping on the crease when D4 slides. D1 can help on the crease and must split the field in half so he can recover to either of the top spots.
D2 D3 D4 D1 M1 55: Set Up (Against the 1-3-2)
55: Set Up (Against the 1-3-2)
55: Final Thoughts 55: Final Thoughts “55” is the Trilogy base man-down. Every team should feel comfortable playing 55. The keys to this defense, like any defense, are staying tight, giving up outside shots, communication and practice. Man-down units must remember to keep their sticks up in skip lanes. The crease is the most dangerous spot on the field. Both “away from ball” players must pinch in order to provide support to the crease.