doc.: 18-14/0021 Submission March, 2014 Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates LLCSlide 1 RR-TAG Closing Report Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Date: March, 2014 Authors:
doc.: 18-14/0021 Submission March, 2014 Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates LLCSlide 2 Overview This document reports on the regulatory matters considered and outputs from the March, 2014 meeting held in Beijing, PRC. The RR-TAG is input driven. The attendance varies depending on the topics, documents being considered and meeting location. There was a document completed by the RR-TAG after the official closing of the meeting. That document, (the version as submitted to 3GPP) is available on.18’s Mentor web site. It should be noted that earlier in the meeting the RR-TAG had voted 1/8/0 in a straw pole not to send the original proposed liaison. While the edited version was approved by the EC, and the content is in support of IEEE 802’s goals, it is was never voted/approved by the RR-TAG. For several meetings final approval of documents and meeting closing has been in AM2. Work to be done at the next meeting will cause to plan on working Thursday PM1 and PM2. The meeting approved the chair convening conference calls to deal with regulatory matters that come up between Plenary sessions.
doc.: 18-14/0021 Submission March, 2014 Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates LLCSlide 3 ITU-R Items Approved in March In November, 2013, the RR-TAG had approved document r6, which is the latest response (actually the third) by IEEE 802 to ITU-R Question 236/1 which requests data on Smart Grid management technologies characteristics and spectrum. –This question impacts all 802 wireless and wireline WGs and will influence spectrum allocations by the ITU-R and other technical matters adopted by national regulators. –The draft presented in November to the RR-TAG was the outcome of joint WGs working in IEEE –The document, which is available on the RR-TAG Mentor web site, includes data on all of 802’s wireless technologies and 802.3, Ethernet. –It was approved on the EC’s Monday Opening Plenary’s consent agenda and will be presented at the June meeting of ITU-R WP1A.
doc.: 18-14/0021 Submission March, 2014 Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates LLCSlide 4 ITU-R Items Approved in March The RR-TAG approved document , UPDATE OF SECTION 5.6 TOWARD REVISION 12 OF RECOMMENDATION ITU-R M.1457 (MEETING X+2B NOTIFICATION), which is an input from IEEE to WP5D’s update of ITU-R Recommendation M –This contribution, and ITU-R Recommendation M.1457, are only of interest to IEEE WP5D will hold their next meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia beginning 18 June. –This item was mistakenly not submitted to the EC for approval at the March Plenary. Therefor it will be submitted for a ten day EC ballot. –The document must be submitted to the ITU-R by 11 June.
doc.: 18-14/0021 Submission March, 2014 Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates LLCSlide 5 The RR-TAG Conducted Elections The March Plenary of all even years is when IEEE 802 conducts officer elections. –There was only one candidate for the Chair’s position, the incumbent Mike Lynch. The vote was: –Vote: 4 Yes 0 No 0 Abstain –There was only one candidate for Vice Chair, Rich Kennedy. The vote was: –Vote: 3 Yes 0 No 1 Abstain –Mr. Kennedy will serve as Vice Chair (pro tem) until he can provide sponsorship letters for his role as the Vice Chair and support of IEEE 802 in the ITU-R. –Mr. John Notor has kindly agreed to remain for one or two meetings as a Mentor to the newly elected Vice Chair. The Chair has appointed Mr. Notor as First Vice Chair.
doc.: 18-14/0021 Submission March, 2014 Michael Lynch, MJ Lynch & Associates LLCSlide 6 Items to be considered in May The RR-TAG will begin the process of updating their P&P and the charter. This process may take several meetings. The RR-TAG will review the newly adopted FCC proposal on privately owned and operated drones. –There appears to be some concern about jamming, both in the 2.4 GHz frequency band, which is very important to IEEE 802, and to GPS which may be incorporated in various devices utilizing IEEE 802 technologies. The RR-TAG will review the ITU-R WRC-15 preparatory work, first in the US where it appears the U.S. government is taking a position against opening the mid 5 GHz frequency band, and the outcome of the work in another ITU-R group that may recommend inclusion of license exempt frequency bands for IMT Advanced is contribution driven and it is expected that other matters will present themselves by the time of the May meeting in Waikoloa.