PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg, Germany. Other PMO Activities
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 2 Other PMO Activities - Background In recent years increasing operational demands have been placed upon PMO’s – including onboard support for … ASAP Operations Drifting buoy deployments ARGO Float deployments SOOP – XBT operations Research Activities/Projects
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 3 These increasing PMO work demands are being made at a time when… PMO budgets are under pressure PMO staffing levels are being reduced in some countries Port Met Offices are being closed or rationalised in some countries Some ports only have part-time PMO coverage There are already notable gaps in the international PMO coverage Other PMO Activities - Background
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 4 The majority of ASAP ships are now operated under the auspices of the Eumetnet E-ASAP programme – which currently operates 16 ships operating on North Atlantic routes The remaining ASAP ships are mainly research ships operated by countries such as Japan and South Africa Other PMO Activities - ASAP
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 5 The range of PMO duties for ASAP include.. Helping to recruit host ships on suitable trading routes Assisting with initial survey of host ship and installation of ASAP system Ongoing encouragement and support for ASAP operators Training in correct ASAP operations and practices Resolution of any observation monitoring problems Assisting with resolution of any equipment/transmission problems Downloading of raw data Collection of sounding logs Arranging re-supply of consumables (helium gas, sondes and balloons) Other PMO Activities - ASAP
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 6 Other PMO Activities - ASAP Specific Functions..
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 7 05_Inst_ZCBF3_086.MPG 05_Inst_ZCBF3_074.MPG 05_Inst_V2UQ_54.MPG Other PMO Activities - ASAP
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PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 17 Drifting buoy deployments are mainly deployed on behalf of regional Action Groups ( e.g. E-SURFMAR, IBPIO, IABP, ISABP IPAB etc) established under the auspices of the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP) The DBCP is the data buoy component of the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM). In September 2005 the 1250 th Global drifter was deployed. With this deployment, the global drifting buoy array achieved its design goal of 1250 buoys in sustained service, and became the first component of the initial Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) to be completed. Additional deployments may be performed to fulfil national requirements or for research purposes Other PMO Activities - Drifters
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 18 Other PMO Activities - Drifters
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 19 SVP Drifters Other PMO Activities - Drifters
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 20 The range of PMO duties for Drifting Buoys include.... Sourcing suitable deployment ships on required routes Storage of drifters prior to deployment Checking drifting buoy transmission prior to deployment Trans-shipment of drifters to ship Preparation of deployment instructions for ships staff Providing training and instruction to ships staff on correct deployment procedures Checking deployment details are correctly recorded ( e.g. in TurboWin ) and sent to Met Services Providing feedback to ships staff on successful/unsuccessful deployments Other PMO Activities - Drifters
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 21 Argo is establishing a global array of 3,000 free- drifting profiling floats that will measure the temperature and salinity of the upper 2,000 m of the ocean sub-surface data from Argo will be a key component of GOOS (Global Ocean Observing System) and GCOS (Global Climate Observing System) Argo data are being used for ocean forecasting seasonal forecasting and climate prediction all Argo data is freely available in real-time to ensure its widest possible application for forecasting and scientific research Other PMO Activities - ARGO
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 22 Other PMO Activities - ARGO
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 23 The range of PMO duties for ARGO Floats include.... Sourcing suitable deployment ships on required routes Storage of floats prior to deployment Trans-shipment of floats to ship Providing training and instruction to ships staff on correct float deployment procedures ( e.g. VOS deployment video) Checking deployment details are correctly recorded ( e.g. in TurboWin ) and details sent to Met Services Providing feedback to ships staff on successful/unsuccessful deployments Other PMO Activities - ARGO
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 24 Other PMO Activities - ARGO
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 25 The range of PMO duties for SOOP include…. Helping to source & recruit host ships on suitable routessuitable routes Ongoing encouragement and support for operators Collect paperwork and the diskettes of high-resolution delayed-mode profile data. Re-supply of consumables (probes, disks, stationery etc). Provide training to new operators Checking equipment operation (e.g. launcher, transmitter etc) Other PMO Activities - SOOP
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 26 Specific Functions include.. Provide early warning of route/crew changes View the XBT drops and provide immediate feedback. Perform a TEST drop Check cables & launcher Wear or damage; and Intermittent problems Check the laptop computer: Date & time, Screen, Keyboard; and Hard disk. Confirm the understanding of the sampling instructions: Transect start & end points; Frequency of XBT drops; and Criteria for repeat drops. Other PMO Activities - SOOP
PMO-III, March 2006, Hamburg. 27 Specific Functions ctd.. Provide QC feedback to the operators: Compliment on the good drops & any repeat drops; and Advise when repeat drops should have been performed. Other PMO Activities - SOOP
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