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Presentation transcript:


Presenters D. Lynn O’Neil, Director Student Employment Services Johns Hopkins University Model - Stand Alone Traci Martin, Director Career Development Goucher College Model - SE w/i Career Center Laura Brooks, Manager Human Resources Peabody Institute, JHU Model – SE w/i HR

Session Overview We’ll explore: the definition of Student Employment; various office models; likely clients, and the components/services it encompasses. A panel of SE professionals from several of the most popular models will share their expertise and define their individual operation. Each panelist will: Describe their particular SE office. Explain their organizational structure. Discuss the functionality of their operation - and the specific components of SE that they handle. Audience participation will be highly encouraged and there will be plenty of time for questions & answers at the end of the session.

How Do We Define SE? Very few, if any, SE offices have the same responsibilities, provide the same services, or service exactly the same types of clients. When talking to colleagues at the conference about SE they could be referring to an entire office -OR- the work that one person performs. SE can be limited to JLD or Job Postings – which in and of themselves can be confusing. Student job postings can include only on-campus, only off-campus, or they could mean both. They could also be limited to FWS jobs (or) Non-FWS jobs (or) both.

SE Office Models What a Student Employment office does, where its housed, and the scope of its responsibility is solely dependent on a schools size, need, reporting hierarchy, funding, etc. The components related to SE are countless but the most common office models are part of Financial Aid; Career Development; and/or Human Resources. The more unique models report to and/or are part of Student Accounts; Student Activities; Student Life, or are completely centralized - more commonly referred to as Stand Alone. Note: In general, for an SE office to be deemed ‘Stand Alone’ it should have no reporting structure (or) direct accountability to Financial Aid, Career Development, Student Life, etc. The Stand Alone SE office is on the same level as these other departments. *See Extras for Model Outlines

SE Client Variety Students Undergraduate Graduate Post Doctoral Visiting / Exchange Potential / Incoming Employers On-Campus Off-Campus Community Service Org. Parents Investigators Other Departments / Schools

The various functions performed and/or overseen by a Student Employment (SE) office can be broken down into four primary categories – responsibilities or types if services provided by SE offices. Recruiting Hiring/Payroll HR Relations Federal Work Study SE Responsibilities/Services

Responsibilities - Recruiting Job Postings On Campus Office Campus FWS Non-FWS Community Services Internships Summer Wage vs. Salaried Job Location & Development (JLD) Job Creation Tracking & Reporting

Process / Approve Hire Documents Complete I-9/ E-Verification U.S. Citizens International Handle TNCs & FNCs Track Auth End Dates Provide Tax Forms Record Keeping/ Time Entry Distribute Paychecks / Direct Deposit Complete Work Permit Applications Handle PR Problems (i.e., Overpayments, Budgetary, etc.) Conduct Training Responsibilities - Hiring/Payroll

Responsibilities - HR Relations Create/Maintain Student Applications Verify Work Eligibility Handle Employer / Employee Relations Misconduct Disputed Terminations Maintain Student Personnel Files Address Legal Issues Fraud Embezzlement Complete Employment Verifications Work Injuries Policy Development & Implementation

Responsibilities – Federal Work Study Issue FWS Award Traditional Community Service America Reads Define Split Issue Authorization Form/s Handle Off-Campus Contracts Monitor Earnings

Other Key Components Job Fairs On / Off Campus Academic / Summer National Student Employment Week Office Event / Campus Wide Student Employee of the Year Employer of the Year Growth Promoting Your Program – See ‘Extras’ for 168 Pie Chart Expanding Services Collaboration & Partnerships Embracing New Ideas Professional Involvement (NEASEA/NSEA/SHRM)

Panel Comparison – their SE Model Each panelist will now: Describe their particular SE office. Explain their organizational structure. Discuss the functionality of their operation - and the specific components of SE that they handle.

In Conclusion We are not going to agree on the perfect SE office model, what components it should include, what services it should provide, or where on the organization chart it should sit. As a result, we cannot draft a ‘definition’ for SE today! However - what can do is strive to achieve the perfect SE office for our school; to never stop exploring new ideas; promote our programs whenever/wherever possible; partner with other offices; and to take advantage of all the NEASEA and NSEA have to offer.

Q & A

EXTRAS 168 Pie Chart – An SE Promotional Tool SE Models - More Defined Financial Aid (SE) Model Career Center (SE) Model Human Resources (SE) Model Stand Alone (SE) Model

168 Pie Chart: An SE Promotional Tool

Promoting SE using 168 In a perfect world, students: Take 15 credit hours Eat 3 meals a day Sleep 8 hours each night Study 60 hours per week Enjoy 16 hours of free time In the REAL world, students have lots more than 16 hours of free time. For example, when talking to parents ask, “how do you want your son or daughter to spend those extra hours?” Share with parents & students that studies show - students who get a campus job early on (get engaged) have a greater retention rate and better time management. The amount of hours should not exceed 10 – 12/hrs. per week for freshmen.

Financial Aid (SE) Model In this model SE operates within and/or reports directly to the head of Fin Aid. The staff could consist of one or more dedicated Fin Aid staff members, which in conjunction with their FWS responsibilities, handles all SE related functionality. This model generally handles only those students who have FWS. If the school offers non-FWS for on-campus employment, it’s typically handled by another department. The functionality related to SE for this office generally consist of: Job Postings; Record Keeping; Monitoring FWS Earnings; and Community Service Processing campus hire/payroll documents, tax forms,I-9, etc., may be handled by this person(s) but is generally done outside of this of office. This model’s operating/personnel budgets are generally connected to the overall Financial Aid budget.

Career Center (SE) Model This model offers a variety of SE services but primarily focuses its efforts on preparing students for after graduating. This model typically works in conjunction with Fin Aid, since typically, one will handle non-FWS and/or JLD while the other handles all things FWS. The primary SE services provided by this model include, Job Postings, JLD, Job Counseling, and Application/Resume assistance. Some additional services that may be offered by this model are Skills Training; Resume Building; Cover Letters; Interview Techniques; etc. The staff could consist of one or more dedicated staff who handle SE, but may also be responsible for post-graduation job listing services and more. Processing campus hire/payroll documents, tax forms,I-9, etc., may be handled by this person(s) but is generally done outside of this of office. This model’s operating/personnel budgets are generally connected to the overall Career Center’s budget.

Human Resources (SE) Model This model is generally housed within the Central HR Office for the Institution and services both student employees as well as traditional staff. Typically, it provides a more structured employment operation including job postings, employment applications, hire documents, I-9/EVerification, supervisory training, conflict resolution, and other employment related topics. They could have one or more dedicated staff who handle SE, but that person/s typically performs the same duties for traditional staff. This model may or may not apply FWS to campus positions but will have a close working relationship to Fin Aid either way. Depending on which office handles JLD, they may also work closely with the Career Center. This model’s operating/personnel budgets are generally connected to the overall Human Resources budget.

Stand Alone (SE) Model This model is a comprehensive operation that can oversee everything from job postings to payroll. Typically, it services all students including Undergrad, Grads, FWS, Non-FWS, on and/or off campus – including JLD. In some cases it could also oversee the hire/payroll process for campus employment. The Stand Alone typically creates policy (or) is involved in the decision making that affects student employees and the departments that employ them. If looking at an organizational chart the Stand Alone is level with other key student service departments. Thus, they typically report to the Dean or Provost level. While the ‘Stand Alone’ does not report to Fin Aid, Career Services, or the like, they typically work closely with these offices as well as the International office, Central Payroll, HR, and others to ensure compliance to all regulations. This model has a designated operating and personnel budget and the role of all staff is fully dedicated to the SE program.