Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) THE BECKMAN COULTER logo, COULTER, DxH, TruColor, and UniCel are trademarks of Beckman Coulter, Inc; COULTER and UniCel are registered in the USPTO. UniCel DxH 800 Overview INSTRUCTOR NOTES: DxH 800 The UniCel DxH 800 incorporates technological advancements within the analytical modules, advances in signal processing and innovative algorithm applications to create a cellular analysis system that redefines differential data collection and analysis, we in Beckman Coulter are raising the WBC differential to a new standard of efficiency. Automated Power Easy Use Flexible Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Objectives Software Overview System & Details Status Daily Checks & Shutdown System Maintenance Set-Up Sample Processing Cleaning Procedures Sample-Flow The Objectives of this presentation are the following: Software Overview System & Details Status Daily Checks & Shutdown System Maintenance Set-Up Sample Processing Cleaning Procedures Sample Flow Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Software Overview Utility Icons Status Area Alert Status Icons Navigation Icons System Icons Let’s begin with the Software Overview. Logging off/on on the DxH 800 is quite simple. The Home screen is the default startup screen of the system manager. When the operator logs on to the System Manager, the screen that comes up is the Home screen. Once the operator selects any button or icon to move to a different screen, the Home screen disappears. The only way to come back to this screen is through logging off and then logging on or by pressing the F8 key. There are sections within the screen, which are of importance to the operator in understanding and knowing how to navigate through the system. Let us begin …. Status Area = On the DxH 800, the status area shows the operator the status the system is in (ie: off-line, on-line, diagnostics, powering up, initializing, etc). Alert Status Icons = The Alert Status icons always display at the top of the screen. The Alert Status icons provide navigation to specific applications and function to alert you to conditions that require attention. The icons display in red (error), in yellow (warning), or neutral (everything is fine). The Alert Status Icons include the following: System Status = Indicates the system overview. When selected, it displays the operational status of the SPM (Specimen Processing Module), LIS, and Printers. Worklist = Indicates the status of specimen results. When selected, it displays the Worklist screen and the Worklist Filter tabs. Daily Checks = Indicates the status of Daily Checks. When selected, it displays the Daily Checks Screen. QC = Indicates the status of a Quality Control analyses. When selected, it displays the Quality Control screen. XB/XM = Indicates the status of an XB/XM run. When selected, it diplays the XB/XM Review screens. Double tapping on this icon switches between XB and XM applications. Supplies = Indicates the status of the supply levels. When selected, it displays the supplies screen. Event Log = Indicates the status of the events on the General Tab of the Event Log. When selected, it displays the History Logs screen. Utility Icons = These icons always display in the top right-hand corner of the screen and include the following: Print = Activates the dialog box for printing reports for the active screen. The content of the dialog will change depending on the selected contents of the active screen. Specimen Search = Displays the Specimen Search Dialog Box. Help = Displays the Help Topics associated with the active screen. Log-Off/ Log-On = Displays the application’s Log-On/Log-Off dialog box. Navigation Icons = These icons include the Previous Screen/Next Screen icons (arrows), the Global Menu, and the Single-Tube Presentation Icon. The Previous Screen/Next Screen icons (arrows) at the top-left corner of any screen allow you to go back or forward a maximum of five times. The screen content from previously viewed screens will be relative to recent information. The left arrow allows the operator to move back to previously viewed screens. The right arrow allows the operator to move forward to previously viewed screens. The Global Menu button allows the operator to navigate through the system. When Menu is selected, it displays available application buttons. The operator may select any application button to display the screen for the selected functionality. The Single-Tube Presentation icon displays the Single-Tube Presentation dialog box when selected. System Icons = These icons display on the top right hand corner of the screen below the Utility Icons. They include the following: Start (arrow) - Places the SPM on-line for processing. Stop (square) - Places the SPM off-line and stops processing. Turn Off Alarm - Turns Off the audible alarm when it is triggered. Local Navigation Bar = This bar appears at the bottom of every screen. The active buttons change depending on the screen that is open. Status Bar = This bar is also at the bottom of every screen. It displays the following: Last Event Message (left side of the bar) Operator ID of the logged on operator (middle of the bar) Date & Time (right side of the bar) Local Navigation Bar Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Status Bar Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) System Status LIS Status: Green = LIS Interface ON Gray = LIS Interface OFF DATE & TIME of last DAILY CHECK & SHUTDOWN Cycles Last Control Run Last Calibration Change Default Test Order Automatic: Specimen - Cassette Manual: Specimen - Single-Tube System Status on the DxH 800 gives the operator an overview of the system. It displays the operational status of the SPM (Specimen Processing Module), LIS, and Printers. On this screen, the operator may see the Date & Time of the last Daily Check & Shutdown Cycles, the date of the Last Control Run, the date & time of the Last Calibration Change, the Default Test Order for Automatic & Manual Specimen presentation. On the LIS area, the operator may see the LIS Status. (green= LIS interface is ON, gray= LIS interface is OFF) On the Printer Status area, the operator may see the status of the printer. Printer Status: Displays Auto Print Disabled if Disable All Auto Printed Reports is selected from Print Print Printer Setup Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Daily Checks & Shutdown Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Daily Checks & Shutdown Daily Checks & Shutdown are pretty much the same for both systems. The Daily Checks screen shows you the results of running the Daily Checks diagnostic tests. The summary screen gives a quick overview of the results and any alerts due to failed tests. The Daily Checks testing is a once-a-day procedure normally performed after running a Shutdown cycle. Both of these cycles have auto-program features. Even when you have the cycle pre-programmed, you may still request to perform a Daily Checks cycle at any time (for troubleshooting, etc.). The Shutdown procedure must be performed once every 24 hours that the instrument is used to ensure optimal cleaning of the instrument. The DxH 800 allows you to program the length of time the instrument is in Shutdown. The default time is 30 minutes. This is the minimum time required for Shutdown. At the end of your programmed time, the system removes DxH Cleaner and replaces it with DxH Diluent. It then awaits a Daily Checks cycle, performed manually or automatically. No other cycles or System Manager actions can be performed until the Shutdown cycle has completed. Once the Shutdown cycle is complete, a countdown timer bar appears near the bottom of the Daily checks screen to let you know how much time remains for the cleaning. If a Shutdown cycle needs to be interrupted, just cancel and then request a Daily Checks cycle. When the system is in shutdown, no samples may be processed. Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Supplies Diluent 1 & 2 Cleaner Diff Pack Retic Pack Cell Lyse Waste Status Edit DxH When you click on the Supplies icon you will get this screen. On this screen you have the following: Waste Status = This is used when the system is hooked up to waste containers. It will trigger an alert when the waste containers are full. Diluent 1 &2 = This is the reagent used to flush sample from tubing and get it ready for a new aspiration and delivery of sample. Cleaner = This is the detergent used to flush sample from tubing and eliminate protein buildup. Diff Pack = This is an erythrolytic reagent and a leukocyte preservative. They prepare a sample for performing a five-part WBC differential analysis using VCSn technology. Retic Pack = This reagent is used for clearing red cells and staining reticulocytes. Once a whole-blood sample is prepared, reticulocytes are differentiated from mature red blood cells and other cell populations using VCSn and reticulocyte counting technologies. Cell Lyse = This is an erythrocyte lytic agent for quantitative determination of hemoglobin, enumeration of NRBC, and counting and sizing leukocytes on the DxH 800 System. DxH Cell Lyse, a cyanide-free reagent, is used as a lytic agent to prepare a diluted whole-blood sample for the quantitative determination of hemoglobin and the enumeration of leukocytes and NRBC. Setup Supplies = The reagents are barcoded. This is used for setting up the reagents on the system. Edit DxH = This brings up a similar screen as the Setup Supplies. This screen should not be used. Configure Containers = This is where the operator can configure the diluent container configuration to single or dual. Config Low Level = This will let you configure the low level for the reagents. (ie: 5%, 10%, or 15%) View Log = Will take you to the History Logs so you may view the Reagent Log. Refresh = Updates the screen Setup Supplies Configure Container Configure Low Level View Log Refresh Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Setting Up The DxH 800 The next section will take us to Setting Up the DxH 800. Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Operators and Roles Menu>Setup>Operators and Roles>New Operator The Lab Administrator can assign operator roles and access level from the Operators and Roles screen. The password for a new operator is temporary, and the new operator will be prompted to change the password the first time logon occurs. Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Control Files Menu>Setup>Quality Control>Control Tab Control Tab Setting–up controls is very simple. You go to Menu>Setup>Quality Control>Control Tab. Select the New Control from Bar Code button. The following message displays: Waiting for 2D bar code to be scanned from assay sheet. Scan the barcode. You will be given the option to Auto Transmit, Auto Stop, and/or Auto Print the QC results. Auto Transmit = The control results will transmit to the LIS QC package as well as to the System Manager files. Auto Stop = If you want the system to stop when a control run has a parameter out of range. Auto Print = If you want a hard copy of each individual control run. NOTE: We will go over more in detail this screen when we do the Control Set-Up Module. New Control from Bar Code Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Calibration Menu>QA>CBC Calibration NOTE: We will go more into detail on this screen when we do the Calibration Module in Class Menu>QA>CBC Calibration The calibration procedure consists of comparing instrument measurements to known values for WBC, RBC, HGB, MCV, PLT and MPV. Calibration assures that an instrument's data output accurately reflects sample input. Calibration is performed using materials based on or traceable to known reference preparations or materials. In general, the procedure may indicate that the instrument requires standardization, by first determining the deviation from 'calibrator reference', and then applying recommended correction factors (CAL factors). Your laboratory is responsible for the final calibration of the CBC parameters. Beckman Coulter recommends COULTER S-CAL calibrator, or an exact equivalent, as an acceptable alternative to whole blood calibration. In the normal process of tracking data for an extended period of time, your laboratory can make a specific decision to recalibrate a given parameter. Never adjust to a specific value for an individual sample. For best performance, verify and calibrate all the CBC parameters. The WBC differential, NRBC and Retic parameters are calibrated by an authorized Beckman Coulter Representative in your laboratory. The VCSn parameters do not require calibration in the laboratory. NOTE: Ensure your SPM is properly maintained and the apertures are clean prior to calibration. When to Verify You should verify the calibration of your instrument: • As dictated by your laboratory procedures, local or national regulations • When controls begin to show evidence of unusual trends • When controls exceed the manufacturer’s defined acceptable limits • If the average ambient room temperature changes more than 10°F or 12° C from the calibrating temperature. If the procedure indicates you need to calibrate, continue with the calibration procedure. When to Calibrate You should calibrate your instrument: • At installation. • After the replacement of any component that involves dilution characteristics (such as the BSV) or the primary measurements (such as the apertures). • When advised to do so by your Beckman Coulter Representative. • If you fail verify calibration procedure. Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Flagging Limits Menu> Setup> Flagging/Rules> Flags> Flagging Limits Tab To set-up Flagging limits you go into: Menu > Setup > Flagging/Rules > Flags > Flagging Limits Tab Flagging Limits include reference ranges, and definitive, action and critical limits. Flagging Limits are defined by unique age ranges, specimen type, and can be associated with Location. The system has seven default sets of limits to use for adults. Only the whole blood range has limits. The Body Fluids have names only. You can create your own limit sets with unique age ranges. Flagging Limits, and Delta Checks are evaluated when the sample is analyzed. • Flagging Limits for Limit Sets and Delta Checks are reevaluated for a sample when the results are manually edited, or when new results are received for a pending sample. • Flagging Limits for Limit Sets, Delta Checks, Sensitivity and Decision Rules are not reevaluated upon a change of flagging limits for results already in the database. Beckman Coulter suggests using all available flagging options to optimize the sensitivity of instrument results. All flagging options include reference intervals (H/L), action and critical limits, Definitive, Suspect and System messages, parameter codes, delta checks, decision rules, and Status and Exception messages. Beckman Coulter recommends avoiding the use of single messages or outputs to summarize specimen results or patient conditions. Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Flagging Sensitivity Menu> Setup> Flagging/Rules> Flags> Flagging Sensitivity Tab To set-up Flagging Sensitivity you go into: Menu > Setup > Flagging/Rules > Flags > Flagging Sensitivity Tab You may select the High, Medium or Low option buttons to set the sensitivity for Variant Lymphs, Left Shift and Immature Granulocytes. All Suspect messages are defaulted to high sensitivity. The Left Shift messages can be disabled by deselecting the Left Shift check box. Flagging Sensitivity for specific Differential Suspect messages should not be changed unless you have clinical data supporting the reason for the change. Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Decision Rules Menu>Setup>Flagging/Rules>Release Rules You can set Release Rules from the Release Rules dialog box. The selection of Release Rules affects your ability to write Decision Rules using specific configurations. For example: If your Release Rule is set to Release all results, then you cannot write a Decision Rule with 'Hold' in the action. The options for Release Rules are as follows: • Hold All Results = All results will be held at the Worklist Review tab. • Release All Results = All results can be transmitted to the host. None but Exceptions will be held at the Worklist Review tab. • Release Results Based on Decision Rules = Rules that trigger Decision Rules will be held at the Worklist Review tab. Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Decision Rules Menu>Setup>Flagging/Rules>Flags>Decision Rules Tab Decision Rules To set-up Decision Rules you go under: Menu>Setup>Flagging/Rules>Flags>Decision Rules Tab NOTE: The instrument must be Offline in order to save Decision Rule changes. If you attempt to save a Decision Rule that you created while online, your setup information will be lost and must be entered again. You may Add a Rule as per your laboratory protocol. Decision Rules allow you to define conditions that will initiate system or laboratory follow-up actions. You must validate any new decision rules that you add in order to avoid erroneous results. The Consensus Rules were created by the ISLH (International Society for Laboratory Hematology) using an international committee of Hematology experts. If you use the Restore Consensus Rules button, after acknowledging a dialog box, it will post 41 rules, names CR1 to CR41. These rules are Disabled by default. To use a rule as is or to modify it to conform to your own laboratory policies, you must select and edit it and enable it. Add Rule Restore Consensus Rules Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Sample Processing In this next section, we will be going over Sample Processing. Running samples is a daily task that occupies much of your time in the lab. Learning how to process samples efficiently on the DxH 800 saves you time. Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Running Samples Cassette Presentation Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Running Samples Cassette Presentation Load the samples into the cassettes Place cassettes into the input buffer Before you process samples, you must ensure the instrument is set up for the appropriate test for your workflow. Ensure that the specimens have been collected and stored properly. Load the samples into the cassettes. Place the cassettes into the input buffer. The instrument automatically begins cycling the cassettes. Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Running Samples Single Tube Presentation Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Running Samples Single Tube Presentation The operator must do the following steps to run a sample in the Single-Tube Presentation (manual mode). Click on the Single-Tube Presentation Icon. The Single-Tube Presentation dialog box will come up. The operator then places the specimen on the bar code reader platform of the single-tube presentation station with the bar code facing the instrument to allow the single-tube presentation bar code reader to scan the specimen label. NOTE: If the bar code reader is unreadable, try moving the tube off the indentation and nearer to the camera for a re-scan attempt. Or, the operator may enter the specimen identifier manually in the Specimen Identifier box and press Enter. Or, scan the bar code with the handheld scanner and make sure the cursor is at the end of the specimen ID you scanned and press enter. 4. Mix the specimen, and place in the position in the single-tube presentation. NOTE: Left side of the single-tube station is for closed tubes, Right side is for open tubes (microtainers). Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Cleaning Procedures DxH 800 Cleaning procedures for the DxH 800….. Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
DxH 800 Cleaning Procedures Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) DxH 800 Cleaning Procedures Daily Daily Checks Shutdown Process Controls As Needed Procedures For additional information on As Needed Procedures refer to Instructions For Use (IFU) Cleaning Procedures do not necessarily mean that they are required procedures or needed for maintenance of the system. We have to think of Cleaning Procedures more of a “Why, and When”. For example: Shutdown, why do we need to do it? Well, shutdown uses the Cleaner, which is the detergent used to flush the sample from tubing and eliminate protein buildup. Placing the instrument in shutdown will ensure all the sample lines are clean, free from protein build-up. After Shutdown the system requires a Daily Checks. Why do a Daily Checks? Well, Daily Checks will flush out all the Cleaner from the system and replace it with Diluent. Diluent is the reagent used to flush sample from tubing and get it ready for a new aspiration and delivery of sample. The “As Needed Procedures” Clean Apertures, Clean Aspiration Probe Clean BSV, Clean the Pneumatic Supply Module Fan Filter, Clean the STM, Clean the AMTC, Clean the Vacuum Trap, Clean Optical sensors, And Clean the Handheld Bar-Code Scanner. Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Sample-Flow DxH 800 Let us go over the Sample Flow of the DxH 800. Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Sample Transport The Specimen Transport Module (SPM) uses a magnetic force to move the cassettes from one location to another. Since there are no exposed moving parts, maximum operator safety is ensured. Four different cassette types hold multiple size tubes. The five tube cassettes have been designed according to the clinical & laboratory standard institute board recommendations. The patient samples are first introduced to the input buffer, which has the capacity to hold 20 cassettes. The magnetic force advances the samples to the mixing station. Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Mixing Station The Mix Station is the area where the Specimen ID is read. The specimen is mixed by rocking 11 times prior to aspiration. Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Sample Aspiration Module (SAM) Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Sample Aspiration Module (SAM) Rev. A (May 2012) The sample is aspirated by the aspiration probe. Additionally, the specimens are mixed four times between aspirations. Upon completion of their operation, cassettes are transported to the output buffer to await their removal. The output buffer is an output area capable of holding up to 20 cassettes. Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) CBC Module The aspiration pump activates and aspirates 165 μL of sample. After the probe is removed from the specimen tube a second pull of the aspiration pump draws the blood through the BSV pathway, verifying a proper aspiration at the blood detectors. With each cycle, the BSV directs the delivery of sample and DxH Diluent to the WBC and RBC triple aperture baths. The RBC diluent and WBC diluent/Lyse dilutions enter through a port in the bath that is located at the bottom and tangential to a sloping surface for bubble free delivery and mixing. In the WBC bath, ~6.0 mL of DxH diluent and ~28 μL of sample are combined with ~1.08 mL of DxH Cell Lyse for a final dilution of 1:251. In the RBC bath, ~10 mL of DxH diluent and ~1.6 μL of sample are combined for a final dilution of 1:6250. Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
CBC Module Sweep-Flow & Tangential Mixing Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) CBC Module Sweep-Flow & Tangential Mixing After the mixing and incubation of sample and reagents, 6 inches of vacuum and aperture current are applied to the apertures simultaneously for the measurements of cell count and cell volume. The RBC and PLT count includes the application of sweep flow to prevent the recirculation of cells behind the aperture. All pulses generated by the apertures are collected and sent to the Signal Conditioner Analyzer Card for analog to digital conversion. The process provides the following raw counts and digital measurements to the System Manager: • Time • Volume (pulse peak amplitude) • Count rate • Wait time • Pulse width The System Manager processes the measurements. The process includes: • Coincidence correction • Voting • The generation of 256 channel histograms for WBC, RBC, and PLT and their voting pattern analysis • Interference correction Sweep Flow The sweep flow is a steady stream of diluent that flows behind the RBC aperture during the sensing period. This prevents cells from re-entering the sensing zone and being counted as platelets. Tangential Mixing Tangential Mixing is a sloping or swirling delivery of air to the bottom of the WBC and RBC bath for bubble free mixing. Sweep Flow Tangential Mixing Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) NRBC The DxH 800 Coulter Cellular Analysis System uses advanced technology and innovative analysis techniques to define the NRBC population and separate it from potential interferences. Performed as part of the routine CBC and WBC Differential, NRBC enumeration is performed in a dedicated environment that ensures both timely and accurate results. A portion of the blood sample is diluted and treated with a lysing reagent to selectively remove non-nucleated red blood cells while maintaining NRBCs, WBCs and any platelets or cellular debris that may be present in predictable state. NRBC analysis is as follows: 1. Blood is delivered to the NRBC chamber. 2. Cell Lyse is introduced. 3. Sample is transported to the Flow Cell for analysis. 4. Results are displayed. Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Differential Advancements in white blood cell (WBC) Differential technology have a focused purpose – to increase laboratory efficiency by providing accurate results and efficient flagging. Building on proven differential technology, the DxH 800 Cellular Analysis System incorporates technological advancements within the analytical module, advanced signal processing and innovative algorithm applications and software techniques to redefine differential data collection and analysis, this raises the DxH 800 differential to a new standard of efficiency. To achieve a new level of flagging and cell identification, the DxH 800 employs the following features to define the size and complexity characteristics of each cell: • New flow cell – new optical sensors • Temperature controlled sample preparation and analysis • Seven distinct parameter measurements for each cellular event. - Volume - Conductivity - Axial light loss (AL2) - Low angle light scatter (LALS) - Median angle light scatter (MALS) - Lower median angle light scatter (LMALS) - Upper median angle light scatter (UMALS) Diff analysis is as follows: Blood is delivered to the Diff Chamber Erythrolyse and Stabilyse is introduced Sample is transported to the Flow Cell for Analysis Results are displayed Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Retics Reticulocytes are immature, non-nucleated erythrocytes retaining a small network of basophilic organelles, consisting of RNA and protoporphyrin. The enumeration of reticulocytes provides a simple, effective means to determine red cell production and regeneration. The most common means of measuring reticulocytes is to use supravital dyes, such as New Methylene Blue or Brilliant Crestyl Blue. These dyes precipitate and aggregate the basophilic substances within the reticulocyte, resulting in a granular, staining pattern easily seen with light microscopy. Reticulocyte immaturity is related to cell volume and light scatter. Since more immature reticulocytes are larger, contain more RNA and cause increased light scatter, the cell volume ans light scatter will increase with immaturity of the cell. Retic Analysis is as follows: 1. Blood (27µL) is delivered to the Stain Chamber 2. Stain is Introduced 3. Incubation period takes place 4. Sample is transported to the Retic Chamber 5. Retic Clearing solution is introduced 6. Sample (4µL) is transported to the Flow Cell for Analysis 7. Final Results are displayed Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development
Unicel DxH 800 & Unicel DxH SLidemaker Stainer Overview Rev. A (May 2012) Any Questions? The End! Thank You Rev. A (May 2012) Professional Development © 2012 Beckman Coulter, Inc. Professional Development