2010 Membership Retention Workshop “Transform New Members to Lifelong Serrans”
Meet Your Fellow Serrans “Hello” to person on your left & right! Take 30 seconds Share your name & city Share names of 2 newest club members
Your Presenter NameClub Name City, State
Workshop Objectives Verify that “Membership Retention is every Serran’s responsibility” Focus on relationship between new member – sponsor – VP Membership Practice new retention tools Leave energized to retain our members
Importance of Membership World-wide vocations arm of our Church World & USA maps of Serra Each club = 1 red dot in our worldwide network Black “X” = clubs closed Clubs closed lost focus on Serra Mission Members dropped membership baton
Serra Clubs World 2009
Serra Clubs USA 2009
Stop the Revolving Door Over 35% of members leave in 1st year and up to 80% within the first two years. This is a pitiful waste of time and energy When members leave, we have failed them, not vice versa
Retaining Members Must be a proactive process Must be done with every new member A defined process will maximize success Sponsor – New Member – VP Membership
Activate new Serran CHECKLIST to “activate new Serran” __ #1. Formal Induction Ceremony __ #2. Membership Certificate & Pin __ #3. Membership Directory of your Club __ #4. Orientation Meeting (mandatory)
Activate new Serran CHECKLIST to “activate new Serran” __ #5. Volunteers / assigned to one VP Team __ #6. Welcomed at club meetings & events __ #7. 1 seminarian connection with member’s family __ #8. PVC member in your parish
Activate new Serran CHECKLIST to “activate new Serran” __ #9. 6-Month “Time-out Evaluation” discussion __ #10. Become a club officer __ #11. Visit seminarians at their seminary __ #12. Regional Convention attendee __ #13. Serra International Convention attendee
Serra Club Organization Local Serra Club Board Vocations Group Leader Asst. Group Leader Serrans Assigned Parishes for PVC Communications Group Leader Asst. Group Leader Serrans Assigned Parishes for PVC Membership Group Leader Asst. Group Leader Serrans Assigned Parishes for PVC Programs Group Leader Asst. Group Leader Serrans Assigned Parishes for PVC
6-Month Role-play Scenario #1: Active new member + Sponsor & VPM meet with new member + New member is engaged & enthused + Verify with new member: A. Satisfaction level B. Ah-haa moment (mountain top experience?) C. Verify ministries for months
6-Month Role-play Scenario #2: Semi-active new member + Sponsor & VPM meet with new member + New member is hesitant & lightly engaged + Verify with new member: A. Satisfaction level (Why not higher?) B. Ah-haa moment (mountain top experience?) C. Change activities for months ?
6-Month Role-play Scenario #3: Listless new member + Sponsor & VPM meet with new member + New member is hesitant & disengaged + Verify with new member: A. Satisfaction level (Identify roadblocks) B. Ah-haa moment (mountain top experience?) C. Change activities for months 7 – 12 D. Sponsor bring / meet Serran several events
6-Month Role-play 3-person role-play groups A = Sponsor B = New Serran C = VP Membership INSTRUCTIONS 1. A has 5 minutes for “Time-Out Evaluation” 2. B has 2 minutes to respond 3. C has 2 minutes to clarify the plan
Orientation Meeting Agenda Your Serra Club…. AGENDA Welcome………………………………………Club Pres Opening Prayer and Explanation of Program………………… Chaplain Introduction of Club Members……………………………..…Membership VP Introduction of Attendees DVD: “Spirit of Serra”
Orientation Meeting Agenda History of Serra International…… Club Trustee Goals of Serra Fostering Vocations Spiritual Growth Christian Community History of Serra in District and Club Regional and International Conventions
Orientation Meeting Agenda Special Emphasis on Vocations…by VP Vocations Intro to Club and Parish Programs Vocations Awareness Programs Parish Vocations Committees College Connection 31 Clubs Lenten Devotion Advent Mass and Reflection Altar Servers Awards/Dinner Sisters’ Appreciation Day Seminarian and Priest Golf Outing Other activities Contact assigned Parishes/Priests Traveling Crucifix Programs
Orientation Meeting Agenda Club Operation……………………President Elect Member meetings with program Projects Board meetings Dues Expectations of a New Member Committees for your time & expertise Questions and Discussion…………………Panel Closing Prayer…………………………..Chaplain
Final Q & A What questions?
Summary: Retaining Members A. Must be a proactive process B. Must be done with every new member C. A defined process will transform new members to life-long Serrans D. Sponsor – New Member – VP Membership
Written Evaluation Membership Retention Workshop Evaluation Region __ Regional Convention: ______________, 2010 This evaluation is very important in assessing the success of this workshop. Your feedback will help determine the needs of those working on membership ands the future direction of other such workshops. Please rate each item on a scale of 1 to 5 (circle your rating): 1= Poor 2= Adequate 3= Average 4= Above Average 5= Excellent (1.) Were the stated workshop objectives met? (2.) How well did the workshop meet your expectations? (3.) Did you learn any specific ideas on how to retain new members? (4.) Was the speaker knowledgeable about their topics? (5.) How well did others share their ideas? (6.) Will you share in your club what you have learned and use it? (7.) The Small Group practice session was: (8.) I rate my club’s current plan (if you have one) to retain members: (9.) My overall evaluation of this workshop is: COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS (We wish to improve on this workshop and need your ideas):__________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ In summary, the 3 things I liked best about this workshop were: ________________________________________________________________________________________