Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting Steps for recruitment and new member education
Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting Invite all eligible students Send a letter and/or to all students in the Top 40 percent –This is an invitation to join AZ; it’s also an invitation to the informational meeting –Include students from all agricultural disciplines (don’t forget forestry, natural resources, nutrition, biochemistry, etc.) –Cast a wide net: with more members it’s easier to perform service projects, host events and garner support in the college. Don’t overlook graduate students –All graduate students are eligible for membership –They bring experience to the chapter
Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting A note about the invitation Ask the dean or respected faculty member to send the letter under his or her signature. A current member should present the invitation personally –Most professors will allow you to do this during a class If not, mail the invitation to his or her campus address
Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting Timing To maintain active status, chapters must initiate new members once per year. The National Office encourages chapters to initiate new members twice per year in the fall and spring. The membership education process should last no longer than six weeks.
Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting Plan an informational meeting and informal social gathering Use the letter to invite prospective members Free food is a hook: BBQ, wine-and-cheese, pot luck events allow you to get to know prospectives in a relaxed setting Talk about the activities and benefits of AZ and your chapter Present it as more than a resume-builder: Opportunities for leadership development, scholarships, networking, etc.
Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting Crank up the public relations machine! Talk it up to your friends, in class, at student organization meetings. Encourage faculty to mention AZ in class, or allow chapter representatives to address classes Reach out: Invite people who are not eligible for membership to attend your informational meeting (i.e. freshmen, recent transfer students, etc.). All ag students are potential prospective members Put up posters in ag buildings Send out an all-ag college invitation Invite faculty and alumni
Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting After the informational meeting Personally contact (face-to-face or by phone) all eligible prospective members and potential future members (i.e. freshmen, transfers, etc.) Invite eligible prospectives to a “formal meeting” Follow-up with potential future members ( is OK); reiterate requirements and encourage their interest
Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting Formal meeting with prospective members Outline the membership education process –Schedule The membership education process should not last more than 6 weeks –Requirements –Expectations Big brothers/big sisters should be aware of process
Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting Provide membership applications (Form #1) and make prospective members aware of fees. This should be done at formal meeting Student membership is $75 Applications should be received by the National Office two weeks before the scheduled initiation date Certificates and pins will not be sent until payment is received
Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting More on Membership Applications Use current Form #1 (Download from the AZ web site). All fields must be filled out –Include initiation date – Print legibly; unreadable applications will be delayed or pitched Applications and fees must be received two-weeks before initiation Those arriving after the initiation date are subject to a late fee of $5 per application Membership Educator must submit Form #1A with applications
Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting Interview prospective members Get to know the prospective members. Fellowship with other members is a cornerstone of Alpha Zeta. You should also be looking for leadership qualities and character. Develop a list of 5-10 questions; ask the same questions each prospective. Be curious. Discover what attracted them to AZ. Dig deeper than “What’s your favorite color?”
Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting Assign big brothers/big sisters Current members provide guidance and support to prospective members. A big brother or sister can give a prospective counsel through the membership process and help them get to know the chapter. Big brothers or sisters should be prepared to dedicate time and energy to the prospective.
Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting What should be covered in member education? History of Alpha Zeta Purpose/Mission/Vision of AZ History of your chapter A test is included in the membership education manual Availability of scholarships National conference information Current officers (national and local) Resources (Web site, e-newsletters, blog, AZ News, etc.)
Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting Organize a service project This should be organized and performed by the prospective member class The best service projects relate to agriculture and/or involve the college of agriculture in some way Look for projects that provide publicity for the Alpha Zeta chapter; demonstrate that the chapter is active on campus.
Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting Host a social event Have the prospective members organize a mixer or social gathering for the chapter –Have a theme (decorations, T-shirts, party pics, etc.) –Give them a budget –All members should attend Make it a fellowship event – members should be getting to know prospectives at this event
Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting Approve new members Follow procedures outlined in the bylaws New members must meet all criteria set in the bylaws –Sophomore standing –Top 40% –Demonstrated leadership; character –All membership fees paid and application turned in He or she should also meet requirements set by the chapter –Requirements may be more stringent; national standards are minimum
Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting Before the initiation… The Membership Educator, or the member designated on Form #1A, will receive the membership certificates and pins from the National Office Certificates and pins should be presented at the time of the initiation ceremony.
Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting Initiate new members All chapter members should attend the initiation ritual Invite local alumni, faculty alumni to the ceremony The ceremony is formal (suit and tie for gentlemen; suit or dress for ladies) and secret (non-members are not permitted) Host in a suitable setting (e.g. no windows, space for a large circle) All required portions of the ritual should be followed as written Big Brothers/Sisters should present new members with certificates and pins at the conclusion of the ritual
Monday, August 25, 2014 New Member Recruiting After the initiation A reception for new members, parents, alumni, faculty, friends and significant others is encouraged. Inform the members when the next chapter meeting will be held.