Volunteer Orientation Buchanan County Emergency Management
An organized analysis, planning, decision making and assignment of available resources to: Mitigate Prepare Respond Recover From the effects of all hazards
Emergency Management Putting it Simply Spanning the gap between: It wont happen to us and We are all going to die!
Mitigate Mitigation is taking action to eliminate or reduce the loss of life and property related to an event(s) that cannot be prevented
Prepare Preparedness is developing policies and protocols, incident command systems, training, planning, coordination, and exercises for potential crises
Respond Response is taking action to effectively contain and resolve the crisis or emergency Activate the emergency management plan and the Incident Command Team Utilize effective decision making Maintain consistent communication Document actions Conduct an after-action briefing
Recover The recovery phase is designed to assist in the healing process & to restore operations Recognize that recovery is an ongoing process Academic, physical, and business recovery Mental Health/Emotional Recovery
Four Goals of Emergency Management Save Lives Prevent Injuries Protect Property Protect the Environment
Why Plan for an Emergency or Crisis? Emergencies or crises of all shapes and sizes occur on a daily basis Emergencies or crises have significant impact: Physical Emotional Financial
Why Plan for an Emergency or Crisis? Effective planning will reduce the level of chaos that occurs in an emergency Self-reliance: In event of a significant emergency or crisis, you may need to operate independently for several hours
Materials You Should Have Volunteer Policy Volunteer Background Check Policy Volunteer Handbook Position Description Completed Waiver Activity Log Sheet
Volunteer Policy Provides overall guidance and direction to staff and volunteers engaged in volunteer activities. Review key points of the Policy.
Volunteer Background Check Policy Describes the terms and conditions under which background checks are conducted. Review key points of the Policy.
Volunteer Handbook Handbook was prepared to give you some essential information about the policies and expectations of Buchanan County Emergency Management. The handbook has been organized by topic to help you find information you need easily. Review key points of the Handbook.
Position Description Intended to identify the major responsibilities and requirements of a position. You may volunteer for more than one position. Review key points of the positions you are performing.
Complete Waiver Read, understand and sign Liability Waiver. Review key points of the Waiver.
Activity Log Sheet Track your time and tasks you perform. Turn in the end of every month. Review key points of the Activity Log Sheet.
Primary Insurance Coverage Your personal auto, health, and homeowner insurance.
Volunteer Guidelines When working with the public, as a representative of Emergency Management, we ask that you maintain a positive attitude. Refer all questions you are unsure of to the office staff. If you sign up for an assignment and are unable to fulfill your commitment, please notify the office.
Volunteer Guidelines If you encounter a emergency, of any type, please call 911 and then notify the staff. Never place yourself in a dangerous situation. If a questionable situation occurs, notify the staff or the appropriate authorities. MOST IMPORTANTLY! HAVE FUN!
Things To Do Get to know your supervisor / go-to person, If possible establish a regular schedule for volunteering. If you will be late or cant make it, contact your supervisor. Know applicable rules – especially those involving how to interact with other staff and those youre serving.
Make a positive difference in your community Learn new skills Improve your health Create more fun in your life Meet people with similar interests Benefits of Volunteering
Share your skills and life experiences Meet people you wouldnt have otherwise In one survey 28% of unemployed volunteers (and 16% of employed volunteers) said that their volunteering had helped them obtain a job in the past ( ) Benefits of Volunteering
Protection of Information All volunteers are going to be exposed to sensitive information. Information is only released through the Public Information Officer.
Training Opportunities Position descriptions lists training for performing the function. Training available on-line or local classes. Other training will also be available.
Summary When Disaster Strikes It will take an organized response Thank you for becoming a part of that response!