Extended DISC Online System User Instruction: How to Generate Reports
User Instruction: How to Generate Reports First you will need to login to the administrative site. Visit http://myedos.com/admin Input your username and password
User Instruction: How to Generate Reports From the Main Menu select Databases
User Instruction: How to Generate Reports From Databases select Person Database
User Instruction: How to Generate Reports From the Search Person Database you can query using any of the following selections. You can enter the access code the respondent used to complete the questionnaire then click the search tab. You can populate the Last Name / First Name boxes then click the search tab. (hint: if you find you are unable to locate the respondent you are looking for try putting the last name in the first name box.) You can also search by a beginning date and end date. Once input click the search tab. If you would like to view your entire database simply leave every box blank and select the search tab at the top.
User Instruction: How to Generate Reports Once you have completed your database search you will now see a listing of your search selection. On The List of Persons page you will select the box next to the respondents name then click the Order Results tab
User Instruction: How to Generate Reports Once you have selected Order Results tab from The List of Persons page you will be directed to Report Properties for this Order page. Here is where you select the pages you would like printed in your report. Send Method - will be PDF file Separate PDF File - if you have chosen to re-run more then one respondents report. This will separate each report into it’s own file. Language – if you need to re-run a report in a different language you can do so from the dropdown menu.
User Instruction: How to Generate Reports Once you have chosen the send method you will then select the pages to include in the report. Filling in every box under the first column (excluding Present Situation) will generate a standard report. The Second column are the 10 additional styles you can add to a report.
User Instruction: How to Generate Reports Once you have chosen the pages for your report you can change the Page Order by simply highlighting the page then click the up or down tab
User Instruction: How to Generate Reports To finish up: Paper Size – Choose your printing size either Letter or A4. Profile Letters – You can change the quadrant letters from DISC to ABCD. Graphical Pages – Both will give the graphical page as well as the text page. Profile I on Graphical Pages – checking yes will add arrows to the graphical page. Tailored Report – You can tailor the report from the dropdown menu Add Job Comparison Report – If you have added a comparison report to your account you can add it here Include Research Module in Report – If you have created a module you can add it here. Once you are satisfied with how your report will print out click the Order Results Tab
User Instruction: How to Generate Reports From the order Summery page you can either select… Download Results – Your computer will ask you where you would like to save the download. Order by Email – You can chose where to send the report via email. If sending to more then one person separate the email addresses with a (;). You can also send a custom email message.